Accra-Airport Rotary Club Refurbishes Korle-bu Sickle Cell Clinic


The Accra-Airport Rotary Club over the weekend presented the refurbished male and female adult wards of the Ghana Institute of Clinical Genetics (Sickle Cell Clinic), Korle-bu in Accra.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Rotarian President Peace Akwei-Brock, in her remarks said “I’m particularly honoured that we have achieved what we set off to do at the beginning of this Rotary year”.

“Through this initiative, and apart from supporting the Centre, we have been able to educate young children and their parents about what sickle cell means and how to treat colleagues suffering from Sickle Cell anaemia. We are also proud that we can help to alleviate the pain of people walking around with Sickle Cell.”

On behalf of my team, we would like to thank all who supported in diverse ways to make this happen. In particular, I wish to acknowledge the following:

– Members of the Rotary Club of Accra-Airport (RCAA), other Rotarians and Friends who pledged financial support right from the beginning, during the first fundraising held during my Induction as President on 5th July 2023;

– RCAA members as well as other Rotarians, Friends and Guests who participated in the second Fundraising Cocktail on 5th January 2024;

– Ghana Commercial Bank, the World Health Organization, SIC-Life, McAdam Design, Distinguished Golfers from Achimota Golf Club and Friends, for their financial support during the Charity Golf Tournament played at the Achimota Golf Course on 4th May 2024.

Phyto-Riker (GIHOC) Pharmaceuticals was also acknowledged for their kind gesture in donating pharmaceutical products for the Project.

The Rotarian President pointed out that the target for the project was GHc200,000, but some of the pledges made had still not been redeemed and the Club looked forward to those pledges to come through sooner than later, in order to fully complete the project.

She expressed thanks to some members of her Club, including PP Round and Rotarian Dr Amma Benneh-Akwasi Kuma, for their invaluable assistance with the initial architectural drawings, and to other members and friends for their financial support. The Rotarian president also thanked IPP CC, PN Kojo and others who arranged assessment visits to the Centre in the early days. Thanks also go to every one who contributed in any way towards this project.

The initial plan for the project was to provide structural support to the Wards at the Centre.

However, after studying the plan, it was realized that the cost was rather high and work would require a complicated Building Permit and approval from other authorities, which was not time-friendly.

“So we settled on providing the minimum requirements for both the male and female wards.  I call it (to borrow the term from our late Rotarian Daniel Adom) “Small Scale Projects with High Impacts,” she said.

The refurbishment comprises:

Ceilings of the two wards and storeroom were replaced with POP;
Installation of new Window Blinds for all the windows;
Fixing of new lights and ceiling fans;
Painting the Wards;
Providing 10 special Recliner chairs to make the patients feel more comfortable; during recovery/treatment;
Provided 2 new TV sets for both wards;
Provided 2 tables for the doctors/nurses’ use and 10 overbed tables for the patients;
Installed 2 new Wash basins with Cabinets and taps for both wards; and Provided Paintings to decorate the wards.

She gave the assurance that a few more items would be added by the end of the month and expressed the hope that the Rotary Club of Accra-Airport would continue to lend support to the Centre in subsequent years.

Rotarian President Peace extended her gratitude to Dr Rotarian Amma for her support in promoting Sickle Cell Awareness in all the fundraising events.

Dr Amma Benneh-Akwasi Kuma, Director, Ghana Institute Clinical Genetics added that the facility had not seen expansion in a long time and that the Club’s gesture should be applauded. She said “Not only have you donated in cash but you have made an impact. The ripple effect is significant.”