Bridge Linking Juapong, Adidome Washed Away


In a devastating turn of events, commuters and residents in the North Tongu and Central Tongu Districts of the Volta Region have been severely impacted by the collapse of a vital steel bridge that connects Adidome and Juapong.

The unfortunate incident took place on Saturday afternoon, following relentless heavy rainfall in the area, which contributed to the bridge’s structural failure.

The collapse of this crucial bridge has effectively severed transportation links, leaving individuals in the affected regions isolated from essential commercial and economic activities.

The aftermath of this catastrophe has disrupted the daily lives and routines of many, posing significant challenges for those who depend on the bridge for their livelihoods and social connections.

Authorities are now faced with the urgent task of assessing the damage, evaluating potential safety risks, and strategizing on temporary solutions to restore connectivity between the two communities.

The collapse of the bridge serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of infrastructure maintenance and robust disaster preparedness measures in safeguarding against such unforeseen events.

By Vincent Kubi
