Champion African Education – Obasanjo To Adutwum

Olusegun Obasanjo and Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum in a tête-à-tête


The former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, has appealed to Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Minister of Education, to champion the African Union’s (AU) educational reform initiative.

Mr. Obasanjo, who chairs the AU Educational Committee, believes Ghana’s Education Minister’s expertise and experiences will be required to improve education on the continent.

Mr. Obasanjo made the call during a panel discussion at a recent Presidential Media Briefing on Foundational Learning conference in Accra, which was organised by Human Capital Africa (HCA).

According to him, Dr. Adutwum has proven understanding of global education systems and will be required to lead a team of educators to build a blueprint for the continent to receive the finest education possible, thereby combating poverty and promoting Africa’s development.

The conference, which was themed, ‘Prioritising Foundational Literacy and Numeracy to Achieve African Union Agenda 2063 Goals’, brought together education experts and stakeholders from around the continent.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, Joyce Banda, former President of Malawi; Jakaya Mrisho Kiawete, former President of Tanzania and Chairperson of the Global Partnership for Education; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia and African Union Commission representative, were among those who attended the conference.

The rest are Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili, Founder and CEO of HCA and former World Bank Vice President, as well as Aliko Dangote, Founder and President of the Dangote Group.

Former President Obasanjo argued that because education was a matter of life and death, African leaders must address education as a lifelong issue rather than a short-term one.

He stated that countries that do not prioritise education will struggle to develop their economy and fight poverty.

The former Nigerian President lauded Ghana for the many interventions and measures implemented by the Education Ministry to gradually shape the country’s economy and improve educational outcomes.

Teacher’s Welfare

Mr. Obasanjo encouraged African governments to take a genuine interest in their teachers’ wellbeing and create an environment in which they may give their all and train the continent’s human resource capital.

Nigeria’s former President, Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, has played an important role in African Union (AU) educational efforts.

He has been a strong advocate of education, emphasising the importance of investing in human capital for Africa’s development.

Mr. Obasanjo’s participation in the conference was motivated by his belief that African leaders should reconsider the role of education in their transformation.

During the panel discussion, Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, underscored the importance of developing an education strategic plan for the African continent in order to promote education in various nations.

He added that such a strategic plan would help countries by taking a specific approach to each nation, while others could follow the best practices of successful countries.

The minister was optimistic that if all African countries came together to discuss their specific educational needs, they would be easily grouped for strategic planning and appropriate solutions to be prescribed for them.

Founder and CEO of Human Capital Africa, Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili, stated that it was time for the African continent’s leadership to take a critical look at foundational learning, which is crucial for laying a solid foundation for quality education.

She urged all stakeholders to work together to assist education development on the continent, saying it should not be left just in the hands of politicians.

Dr. Ezekwesili praised various funding organisations throughout the world that were working hard to assist the growth of education in various countries.

By Ernest Kofi Adu