Dominase Residents Demonstrate

The people of Dominase demonstrating

The chiefs and people of Gomoa Dominase in the Gomoa East District of the Central Region have called on President Nana Akufo-Addo to honour his promise of making Gomoa Dominase, the district capital in case a new district is carved out of the current Gomoa East district.

Among the 38 new districts that are to be created, Gomoa Central has been carved out of the current bigger Gomoa East where Gomoa Afransi which is in Gomoa Central was the capital which means that a new district capital will have to be named for the new Gomoa East district.

At a press conference following a massive demonstration in the town on Thursday, December 28 against the siting of the district capital in a different community, the acting Odikro and Mankrado of the town, Nana Opare Saah XII said there is no doubt that the town which boasts of a district council building now being used as a magistrate court, an area council building, a district police headquarters, community rural bank, CHIP compound, COCOBOD warehouse, HABITAT estates and other estate developments is the appropriate town to be used as the new district capital

He said before the new district would be named, the chief of a neighbouring town, Potsin had publicly announced that Potsin has been chosen as the new capital but according to the Mankrado of Dominase, the population of Dominase which is 4,000 is far larger than that of Potsin apart from the already existing facilities.

“Because we know a new district capital for Gomoa East will be Dominase, we have reserved an eight-acre piece of land for use by government to build additional infrastructure. We have already built a three-bedroom house for the District Chief Executive and also another new house for the district commander of police,” Nana Saah XII said to the thunderous cheers by his people who were all dressed in red attires.

According to the acting Odikro, Gomoa Dominase is also centrally located in the district hence, accessibility would be very easy.

“Nananom and the entire community are waiting for the President to scrutinize the siting of the district capital for the newly created district very well by involving the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development because this present government believes in the rule of law, transparency, probity and incorruptibility,” he said.

The chief explained that above all the reasons, the people of Dominase do not see any reason for the government to relocate the capital to any town where the government will have to rent new building for the running of the district at this austere moment while there is already a district assembly local council building at Dominase.


By Thomas Fosu Jnr
