Kwame Adinkra Shows Love To Orphans On Val’s Day

Kwame Adinkra (3rd right) and other dignitaries at the presentation ceremony

Kwame Adinkra, an award-winning broadcast journalist with Abusua FM in Kumasi, on Valentine’s Day donated several food and other items to the inmates of the SOS Village in Kumasi.

He revealed that the donation was made on Valentine’s Day to show love to the inmates and to support the home in meeting their basic needs.

Among the items he presented were bags of rice, packets of sugar, bags of beans, maize, sanitary pads, toiletries, a poly tank to store water and an undisclosed amount of money.

The inmates of the home were seen shouting with joy after Mr Bernard Amoako, programmes manager of the village, received the items.

Speaking with BEATWAVES, Kwame Adinkra, who is also an ambassador for the SOS Village, stated that he always feel happy to extend a helping hand to the needy.

He stated that there is merry-making and exchange of gifts during Valentine’s Day all over the world, but sadly inmates of orphan homes are ignored on such days.

The broadcast journalist assured that the donation would not be a nine days’ wonder, stressing that he would support the home again anytime that he has the opportunity.

Top journalists in Kumasi such as Lawyer Ohene Djan, Samson K. Nyamekye Eunice Atakorah Manu, Ohene Boakye and Prof Dr Lukemond Owusu Ansah were present at the donation ceremony.

Kwame Adinkra has previously worked with radio stations like Otec FM, Fox FM and Angel FM, all in Kumasi, as well as Atinka FM in Accra.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi