The Man Who Was Caught With Afia Schwarz Is A Married Man

It appears this Afia Schwarzenegger drama is not dying soon.

Ever since the video leaked, folks have been wondering who is that dude caught bonking Afia in the video. Because of his dark complexion and the low quality of the video, it was quite difficult to get his ID.

But as always, will be the first to provide you with the tea!

Information reaching has it that, the man who was caught bonking Afia Schwarzenegger in the leaked video is a married man.

A source who is close to him, tells us his name is Joe, and he has children with his wife.

Our source added that she is very surprised by his sordid behaviour cos he appears as a very responsible man. She says she feels so bad for his wife as she is a very good person.

It’s a sad distin!

