
“A nation is an entity ruled by law. So where there is a lawless society I feel sorry for them. In the US whether you are a presidential candidate or not if you break the law you would go to jail. You threaten to kill judges? I hear some people are signing for the release of those who have been jailed for threatening the judges. These are nation-wreckers” says Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Martey, Moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Ghana.

The clergyman undoubtedly represents the face of truth, morals and Christian principles in a society where these virtues are threatened by persons for whom attacks on the judiciary is a political phenomenon which should be applauded, and not sanctioned.

He is a man decorated for fielding all manner of verbal attacks on his person by ruling party human hounds, as he defends moral principles and lambasts those who perpetuate evil as they ride on the back of political power, which they wield temporarily.

In spite of these incessant vitriolic, he has been consistent with his defence of the truth in the spirit of Christianity.

We need persons of his caliber to save this country from a looming moral calamity, whose symptoms are being manifested by the number of otherwise important personalities associating themselves with the scum called pardon calling.

Anybody who seeks to undermine the authority of the judiciary does not mean this country well.

As the bastion against arbitrariness and bad governance, such persons are but nation-wreckers as the clergyman has observed in his outburst against the latest social calamity to befall the nation.

He said it all about the vexatious pardon callers who have attracted a deserving national opprobrium.

As one of the clergymen always standing for the truth regardless of whose ox is gored, we hereby associate ourselves with his position on the pardon callers.

A decent and civilized society is differentiated from its opposite by the prevalence of the rule of law: where rule of law is anathema and those who claim to be leaders do as they please with no recourse to a set of laws administered by a recognizable set of citizens.

There would be little under the circumstances to vary it from the animal kingdom where survival of the fittest is the order.

Liken this circumstance to a situation where members of a ruling party are above the law.

The members, no matter the gravity of their breaches of the set of laws underpinning the management of the country, are spared the rod and that is the situation we find ourselves in today.

Good men of conscience who would not be daunted by the sabre-rattling efforts of politicians on the payroll of the ruling party, must stand up and be counted among the patriots of this country and defenders of Godliness.

Those who did not find anything preposterous with the threats on the lives of judges and therefore the integrity of the judiciary must undergo conscience test.

Such persons have by their gestures brought the country to a crossroad: the spirit of our nation would be harmed if we partake in undermining the judiciary through such actions as calling for the pardon of those who are doing time for their actionable remarks. They must be cleansed of their filth before they can rejoin society.

These are persons who can plunge the country into avoidable chaos.



