Upper East Chiefs Pledge To Curb Litigation On Lands For Development

Some paramount chiefs
Paramount Chiefs in the Upper East Region have resolved to ensure that, government is not hindered in any of its socio-economic projects by land litigations.
According to the Paramount Chiefs, over the years, many laudable projects that could have created jobs and alleviate poverty, could not be implemented due to many needless land litigations, hence their decision to prevent such land litigations this time round.
The Paramount Chiefs gave the assurance in a statement read on behalf of the President of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs, Naba Olando Awuni at a Durbar Chiefs on the first day of President Nana Akuffo-Addo’s visit to the Upper East Region.
The Chiefs commended the President for the brave step to start the Free SHS Policy despite the many challenges in the education sector.
According to the Chiefs, the implementation of the Free SHS has lifted burdens from the shoulders and that of parents, adding that, many children in the past had to drop out of school because their parents and guardians could not pay admission fees for Senior High School education.
Touching on job creation, the Paramount Chiefs called on the government to ensure that, the “One District, One Factory” policy starts as soon as possible, just as the Free SHS policy.
“Mr. President we commend you for this initiative, but we want you to first consider revamping the Pwualugu Tomato Factory and the Bolgatanga Meat Factory which are dear to the hearts on many people in the Upper East Region, especially the youth in Agriculture.
We want other economic potentials in the region to be tapped and developed under the “One District, One Factory” The Chief pleaded.
They want the government to give more attention to the road networks in the Upper East Region to expand the development and also open up the various Districts for local and foreign investments.
On the sustainability of the environment, the Chiefs call on the President to take a personal interest to support their initiative to plant trees around their communities, and suggested that, the government intervenes to create jobs through the tree planting and also help to prevent desertification in the region.