THE WORLD is full of problems. Climate change, wars, financial inequality, poverty, religious conflicts, lack of education, food and water security, unemployment, corruption, security are considered some of the world’s problems. And, certainly, these are serious problems, but none of them is the greates
The greatest problem of the world is a problem which affects every human being irrespective of skin colour, nationality, language or level of development. It is a problem which makes humanity miserable and helpless. Without controversy, this is the problem of sin which ravages individuals, families, schools, communities, governments and nations.
Sin is lawlessness, wrongdoing, wickedness or evil; it is refusal to do what God says is right or missing the mark of God. And those who practice sin habitually are slaves of sin. Now, sinful acts including stealing, greed, murder, rape, prostitution, incest, suicide, envy, unforgiveness, lying, hatred, adultery, bestiality, homosexuality, drunkenness, crude joking and others create most of the problems aforementioned.
And we were all saddled with sins until Christ saved us as it is written: “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3: 23). “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins” (Ecclesiastes 7: 20)
Clearly, sin has troubled the peace and comfort of humanity since Adam. Which nation in the world is free from sin, lawlessness or evil? The establishment of military, police, prison and judicial services and other related state agencies and departments funded with huge annual budgets are obviously the world’s attempts to fix the problem of sin and lawlessness yet it remains unresolved. A nation free from lawlessness would need no security and judicial services.
Now, where are the intellectuals, scientists, logical thinkers, wise men and women who curse God? Can they fix the problem of lawlessness? Let them rise up and fix it if they know and understand its origin. O, men and women with so-called great knowledge and wisdom who develop and understand laws; arise and teach us the law of death so that we may live and never die.
Should we not realize that we are but ephemeral beings without the ability to fathom all the complexities of the world?
Who can convincingly explain how his or her life began and how it will end? Are we not ignorant about many things? Should we, therefore, not humble ourselves and fear that there is a God who created the world? And He is the only one who knows the origin of sin or evil and understands how to fix it.
Certainly, no sinful person has the power to solve our sin problem. Only a sinless person, one without any record of lawlessness can. Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world of sin. People He saves may be tempted to sin or make mistakes in a world of sin, but they would not be under the bondage of sin to practice sin habitually and without repentance; they would practice righteousness.
The reason why there is still sin in the world is because the author of sin, the devil, who is called the evil one, is still at work in his children who practice lawlessness unrepentantly. This will continue until the appointed day when they will be judged and thrown into the eternal lake of fire. Then there would come a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3: 13).
Jesus Christ revealed that every human being is either a child of God or child of the devil (John 8: 42- 44). And the Apostle John also wrote that, “Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil…No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.
By this it is evident who the children of God are, and who are the children of the devil” (1 John 3: 8- 10).
The devil is a real spirit being, a person, who cannot be known and understood through intellectualism. However, many disciples of secular scientists and philosophers do not want to understand this. It is a great mistake.
Only Jesus of Nazareth came with power and authority to fix the problem of sin through the shedding of His sinless blood.
The taking away of the world’s sins shall be accomplished when Christ returns to judge the world; on that day true believers shall be perfected and be like Him. Currently, every child of God is being cleansed by the washing of water with the Word (Ephesians 5: 26).
So, now, let the world’s richest men and women, best scientists, intellectuals and rational thinkers who do not want to have anything to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ be challenged, team up and solve the problem of sin, lawlessness or evil if Jesus Christ is not the answer.
By James Quansah