21 Days Of Y’ello Care Initiative: Impacting Over 1,700 Individuals

Christiana Agyei


The ‘21 Days of Y’ello Care’ is an MTN employee volunteering programme that aims to secure high participation levels of staff in high-impact social projects to uplift and empower the local communities in which the company operates.

Last year the company collaborated with Engage Now Africa, a non-governmental organisation known for empowering individuals and families to overcome poverty through sustainable programmes and strategic partnerships.

The two organisations were focused on the theme, ‘Empowering entrepreneurs to unlock growth and job creation for communities’, with a specific emphasis on leveraging digital and financial tools and skills to empower grassroot-based entrepreneurs.

Together, these organisations joined forces to implement a comprehensive vocational training initiative aimed at empowering individuals with practical skills across various vocations, reflecting their shared commitment to community development.

During the 21-day programme, over 500 individuals were successfully trained, including 200 youth, 200 women, and 100 persons with disabilities. This achievement highlights the programme’s effectiveness in reaching a significant number of individuals seeking to enhance their skills and improve their digital and financial literacy.

A noteworthy outcome of the collaboration is that approximately 65% of the participants actively applied the skills acquired during the training sessions. Moreover, over 50% of those who were previously unemployed have started their micro-businesses, particularly in producing liquid soap, bleach, and disinfectant (floor cleaners).

Additionally, more than 30% of participants are now utilising social media platforms to market their products, demonstrating the tangible impact of the programme on the lives of beneficiaries.


Success Story

Christiana Agyei’s journey with MTN’s 21-day Y’ello Care initiative serves as a powerful example of the transformative impact of skills training. Before joining the programme, Christiana, a single mother of three, faced financial challenges and limited employment opportunities.

However, through the comprehensive training provided by Engage Now Africa and MTN, she acquired the skills needed to start her own soap-making business. With support from MTN and Engage Now Africa, Christiana received a ‘start-up package’ which included all the necessary materials and tools to kick-start her business.

Today, Christiana runs a thriving enterprise, generating weekly sales of GHS 400.00. Her business not only meets her family’s needs but also provides employment opportunities within the Kasoa community. Christiana’s success story exemplifies the significant impact that skills training can have on individuals and communities, inspiring others to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Christiana’s journey exemplifies the positive changes brought about by the Y’ello Care inititaive, empowering individuals like her to break free from financial constraints, create sustainable livelihoods, and contribute to local economic growth.

She has impacted the lives of her three children and the two employees she works with. Christiana’s new business indirectly benefits over 10 individuals and families in her community. The dedication to practical skills development is making a real difference in transforming lives and building brighter futures. “Thank you MTN and Engage Now Africa for making me a happy and independent woman,” she expressed.

The collaboration’s impact extends beyond direct participants, with an average household size of 3.4, indirectly benefiting over 1,700 individuals and families. This ripple effect emphasises the broader positive influence on communities, aligning with the shared goals of both MTN and Engage Now Africa.

The collaborative effort between MTN and Engage Now Africa has yielded tangible results, reflecting a commitment to social responsibility and community empowerment. The success of this joint initiative underscores the potential for positive change when organisations unite for a common cause.


By Prince Fiifi Yorke