Accra Will Decide Election 2024 – Ga Mantse

Nana Kwame Bediako paying homage to the Ga Mantse, Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II


AHEAD OF this year’s elections, the Ga Mantse, Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has stated that the country’s capital, Accra, would be the decider of the polls.

According to him, this year’s elections “is about the most important election in the whole of the Fourth Republic,” stressing that “Accra would decide the polls given its place in, and contribution to Ghana’s socio-political development and democracy over the years.”

Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II stressed vehemently on the need for peace, insisting that all political actors in the country must ensure peace in whatever course of action they take as they bid to capture political power across various levels.

“Democracy is set on a platform of justice,” the king intimated, adding, “and for us to attain it, we must be convinced by where it is taking us [as a nation].”

“Democracy is standing a mile away from your opponent who’s speaking on top of his voice, things that you will never speak in three years. Yet, you will stay mute and say for the sake of peace, you won’t say a word in return nor rebut.”

“It’s not that you’re scared of the person, nor because you’re a weakling,” he continued, “but simply because you want peace.You endure and let go. That is where we need to get to. And this year’s elections, Accra will decide.”

Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II made these remarks when the leader of the New Force, Nana Kwame Bediako, popularly known as Freedom Jacob Caesar, paid a courtesy call on him at his palace.

The charismatic businessman turned politician, is aiming at breaking the NDC/NPP duopoly in Ghana’s politics with his New Force movement which has won the hearts of many Ghanaians, particularly the youth.

His arrival at the Ga Mantse’s palace was marked with a vibrant procession made up of exuberant youth holding up banners and flyers with several messages endorsing his campaign.

The highlight of his arrival was a pair of white sheep christened ‘Peace’ and ‘Unity’ to which he explained are the virtues he brought to the king and his people.

In his remarks, Nana Kwame Bediako explained that as part of his nationwide campaign tour, his next destination is the Greater Accra Region, and that he had come to officially seek the blessings of the Ga Mantse and his lieutenants before commencing his movement in the region.

He underscored the fact that his decision to run for political power was to give the people of Ghana, particularly the youth, a chance to believe again, especially in these difficult times.

The Ga Mantse commended him for the bold step taken and charged him to give the youth the hope he exudes while urging him to embark on a peaceful campaign, saying, “Nobody has done anything good in chaos.”

“Things that join us, must not be taken for granted,” the Ga Mantse emphasised, adding, “Lives must be preserved and this is the point we are at. We need to keep peace.”

To Mr. Bediako, the Ga Mantse said, “Make your heart and world known to the youth. Give them the hope that you carry.This generation needs hope.”


 BY Nii Adjei Mensahfio