Bullet Nears New Wendy Shay Contract


Manager and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RuffTown Records, Bullet, has announced that his dispute with artist Wendy Shay is close to resolution.

Bullet, whose real name is Ricky Nana Agyemang, revealed that he has held discussions with Wendy Shay’s mother and her godfather, Kwesi Ernest, to address the disagreement.

In an interview on UTV over the weekend, Bullet shared that they are working on a new contract agreement.

“We have discussed the issue. I have talked with Wendy Shay herself, her mother, and Kwesi Ernest. As of now, by God’s grace, we are about 90 percent done with the contract. We are looking forward to our next step,” he stated.

Last month, Wendy Shay fueled rumours of her potential departure from RuffTown Records when she posted on X that her new music video would not be available on RuffTown Records’ YouTube page.

She also announced the creation of a new YouTube channel to host all her music videos. Wendy Shay confirmed that her contract with RuffTown Records was nearing its end and that she had received an offer from an American label, sparking further speculation about her exit.

Bullet previously disclosed issues with Wendy Shay related to some contractual agreements, which led to her decision to avoid releasing her music video through RuffTown Records.

He clarified that the disagreement was not a publicity stunt, as some had perceived, but a genuine issue.

“It was not a publicity stunt; what would have been the use of it to the label if it was a stunt? You don’t use stunts to promote projects; you use money to promote them,” he noted.

With the new contract agreement nearly finalised, fans of Wendy Shay and RuffTown Records are hopeful for a positive outcome that will allow the artiste to continue her successful career under the label.