EC Rectifies Errors In Daily Voter Registration Figures


The Electoral Commission (EC) has corrected errors in its publication of the daily voter registration figures in the ongoing limited registration exercise.

According to a press release, the EC admitted that it had made mistakes in the total registered figures stated for days two and three, as well as the day three figure for the Upper East region, which was repeated for day four. However, the EC clarified that the individual regional figures were accurate, and the total number of registered voters at the end of the four-day period remained at 143,014.

The registration exercise, which commenced on Tuesday, May 7, aims to register first-time voters and those who wish to obtain a voter card.

The 21-day exercise is scheduled to conclude on May 27, 2024, with an expected addition of 623,000 first-time voters to the voter register.

A regional breakdown of the registration figures shows that the Ashanti region has the highest number of registered voters at 25,558, followed by the Greater Accra region with 17,837 and the Central region with 15,434. The EC continues to work towards achieving its registration target before the end of the exercise.

By Vincent Kubi