Ghana To Lead In Internet Technology

Officials of IT Horizons and Cisco Meraki in a pose with stakeholders

GHANA has been tipped to be at the forefront of internet tecnology in Africa within the next five years.

Chris Larbi, Virtual ESA and West Africa Territory Manager of Cisco Meraki, a global leading cloud-based IT company, has hinted that Ghana has all what it takes to be a leader in internet technology services in the African region and on a global scale.

He said despite being “a couple of years behind” due to socio economic impacts such as currency exchange rates and volatility, among others, “I do feel Ghana is going to be the forefront of internet technology in the next five to 10 years.”

“If you take a look at tourism in Ghana, how it’s expedited since the year of return in 2020, and how internet bandwidth is being used right now in this country, it’s scaling and scaling. And I do feel like we need to have the best internet connectivity because all the foreigners are coming here as their hub to build out across Africa”, he stated.

Mr. Larbi made these remarks at a stakeholder forum held in Accra on Information Technology (IT) put together by IT Horizons and Cisco Meraki, both leading service providers in internet technology.

Mr. Larbi intimated that their operations focus largely on deployment of new technology, modernized cloud technology, to give great return on investment for businesses, scalability and automation, and all other tedious tasks related to technology.

“We didn’t come here today to just sell our product. We are here to describe how we are going to rebuild Africa. And we’re going to start with Ghana”, he iterated.

“With our technology in Ghana, we are reshaping how people do things. So, for example, when previously you had to go to your office to rectify any wireless issues, we are able to rectify those issues from the comfort of your own home. What does that mean? It means we allow companies to scale. We’ve done this with so many companies who scaled 500% in under five years by having our deployments and through that, we’re able to keep people in jobs.”

“Here in Ghana, he continued, “I see that adoption. As I said, we are behind and we need to be able to put ourselves ahead of the curve. And I do think Ghana is making adjustments. I mean, different things are going to be happening where Cisco Meraki are bringing out new products and new product portfolios that help not only educate everyone to be able to use technology, but also allows people to scale and grow as much as possible.”

BY Nii Adjei Mensahfio