Mahama Fights NPP Boys Over Social Media Flyers


Former President John Dramani Mahama has petitioned the Ghana Police Service to investigate the unauthorized use of his credentials by supposed social media personalities he believes to be New Patriotic Party (NPP) activists.

In a petition dated October 2, 2023, Mahama’s lawyers expressed concern over the circulation of a document on social media platforms bearing his seal and signature.

The document titled “Memo: Support for the Occupy the BoG Demonstration” was signed by Joyce Bawah Mogtari, who works closely with Mahama. However, the lawyers stated that the document was not authored or issued by their client and that the individuals responsible for its publication were members of the NPP.

Mahama’s aide, Joyce Bawah Mogtari, took to X on Thursday, December 7, 2023, to express their hopes that the police would enforce the law and protect the country’s democracy.
She emphasized that disinformation was detrimental to democracy and called for the perpetrators to be brought to justice.

It was revealed that false information had been spread using a forged letterhead of the office of John Mahama. Two months ago, a formal complaint was filed with the Ghana Police Service by Mahama’s team, urging action against those responsible for spreading misinformation. Mogtari expressed optimism that law enforcement authorities would take swift action to protect the country’s democracy.

By Vincent Kubi