More Benefit From MTN Scholarship Scheme

Front View Of Owerriman SHS Dormitory Block [Inset: Mrs Cynthia Lumor, Executive Director of the MTN Foundation delivering a speech at the commissioning]

The MTN Scholarship scheme, since its establishment in 2000, has helped to train over 1,000 people in the areas of agriculture, administration and biological sciences, among others.

The scheme, which is under the MTN Foundation, was inherited from Areeba and supports brilliant but needy students.

Beneficiaries are offered scholarship from basic to tertiary level after going through a selection process.


Beneficiary’s Testimony


Recently, a beneficiary of the scheme completed medical training at University of Ghana, Legon and now works in Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital as a medical doctor.


The beneficiary, Nurudeen Mohammed, who was born to a night watchman and a “waakye” seller, in his testimony, said life was always destined to be a bit rough, explaining that schooling was challenging despite his parents’ hard work and dedication.

“I managed to crawl through basic school after dropping out of school a countless number of times.

“I found myself idling at home after completing Junior High School (JHS) absolutely clueless about what to do with my precious self.


“This was until I received a lifeline, a hand that helped me back on my feet. I was given an opportunity to be on the MTN Scholarship,” he added.


Mohammed said with the MTN scholarship, he was able to gain admission into one of the best secondary schools in the country- Accra Academy, stating “it was a dream come true because I was given the opportunity to unleash my potential on a grand scale.

In school, he represented Accra Academy in the What Do You Know Quiz and the National Science and Maths Quiz.

Mohammed also represented Ghana in the maiden edition of the West Africa Science and Maths Quiz.

After SHS, he gained admission to University of Ghana, Legon to study medicine and with support from the MTN scholarship scheme, he was able to complete medical school excellently.

Mohammed now treats patients at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, the nation’s premier health facility.

“I believe I’ve been able to bring joy to my family and friends with this humble achievement. This would have been tough if I had not had the support from MTN,” he said.

Mohammed expressed his profound gratitude to MTN and its staff at the Scholarship Secretariat for their support and encouragement.

By Cephas Larbi
