Peace In Tamale Especially Crucial

Although the recent shooting incident at the residence of the chief priest and market head of Tamale had nothing to do with the now doused chieftaincy impasse which disturbed the peace in Dagbon, it nonetheless reminded many about that dark chapter.

Dagbon and Ghana as a whole, do not need such avoidable and unnecessary disturbances, the security management of which is costly. At a time of global economic challenges which have impacted negatively on our national kitty, we cannot afford further avoidable expenditures.

We have had enough troubles from Bawku and detest anything resembling a fresh public disturbance as witnessed in Tamale.

The Dagbon King recently explained the statuses of the Gulkpe Na and the Dakpema in an unambiguous manner.

Whatever occasioned the act of lawlessness should be ignored because, the greater picture of a peaceful Ghana is what is paramount.

What even makes the subject critical is the US Embassy’s warning to their citizens to steer away from the Northern parts of the country   especially,                          places bordering the country’s frontiers.

We might not be privy to the intelligence in their hands  and  which accounted for the security warning suffice it to however point out that, our proximity to the restive parts of the sub-region especially, the northern parts, should make us more security conscious under the circumstances.

The insurgents now on the loose in Mali, Niger and even in our next-door neighbour, Burkina Faso, call for the avoidance of internal mayhem which can only facilitate the entry into the country of dangerous elements and firearms.

We should rather come together, be each other’s keepers and cooperate with the security agencies to make it impossible for the insurgents and gunrunners to breach our  territorial integrity.

This is not the time for creating such avoidable tensions which can only create fertile grounds for insurgents to lock their sights on our territory and jump in.

The intelligence of insurgents should not be underrated. They are not oblivious to the existence of internal strife when these exist. These create the cracks through which the bad guys can easily pass through and foist their bloody agenda.

We are pleased to learn that the Ya Na Abukari Mahama II has called for the burying of the hatchet and for peace to prevail.

Within the short time of the restoration of peace in Dagbon, we have seen the phenomenal developments which are being recorded in that part of the country.

Let us not stall development by learning from the plight those living in conflict zones are encountering.

The police in the Northern Region should enhance their intelligence mechanism so they can stop such attacks before they are executed.
