Rocket Man vrs The Dotard

US President Donald Trump

The headline might sound a bit surreal but it represents the level of adult delinquency that has afflicted two presidents as they trade insults on the international scene.

The United Nations Security Council appears helpless as the action goes on and threatens world peace in an unprecedented fashion in recent times. It is a perfect replacement for the cold war, a rehashing if you like.

Whereas the US President referred to his North Korean counterpart as the rocket man, President Kim Jung-Un fires back, not with a missile as he has constantly done of late, but with words like ‘deranged dolard’ in describing the controversial Donald Trump.

Many still wonder what he means by dolard; the word not making any appearance in standard dictionaries. Whether it is in the English dictionary or not it is meant to hurt the emotions of the target which is President Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump and his North Korean counterpart are at it again in full flight after a brief lull in their war of words. Their recent exchange of harsh descriptions of each other has left many observers of the international political scene stitching up and wondering just where the world is headed.

The exchanges, the latest in a series, are coming at the heels of an unusual strike by a traditional ally of the pariah state. China has for the first time turned her back on the fat boy after his latest firing of a missile which by all purposes is intended to hurt the emotions of the US, Japan and South Korea and the world at large.

President Donald Trump who has found his match in the North Korean nuclear-obsessed president has threatened to destroy the pariah state.

Both presidents are regarded as eccentric – their engagements in the media presenting an interesting source of entertainment for those who perhaps are underrating the repercussions of the pressing of the nuclear button on the world. There is one woman who witnessed what happened to Hiroshima when the US dropped the bad bomb on that part of Japan in the dying days of WW II. Hear Trump the man who has never run short of harsh words: “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.” Trump was pouring out his heart to the 193-member UN membership.

The coming days would definitely witness more of such exchanges which the world hopes would not lead to an eventual pulling of the nuclear trigger anyway. It is interesting to observe that President Trump’s political adversaries even in his country share the thought of the fat boy that he is mentally unfit to rule America. But that is not to say they will go with the rocket man any day.

Perhaps when the fat boy who fed his uncle to hungry wild dogs is pushed further, he would not resort to a war in which he would definitely be the loser. But should the world through the UN watch on as the crazy brinkmanship of the North Korean rocket man threatens global peace?
