12 Tips On How To Love Yourself

Love, respect and acceptance are very important ingredients of any healthy relationship…and I’m not only talking about your relationships with other people, I also mean your relationship with your very own, precious self. Loving yourself is crucial, before you can start loving someone else. Today, let’s look at 12 tips on how to love yourself:

1) Make some extra effort every day

Make sure to do things that make you feel more confident, things that boost your self esteem. For example, making a homemade facial treatment, doing beautiful makeup and dressing up nicely can help you look and feel a lot more attractive and, therefore, confident. Remember, you dress up for yourself and not in order to impress someone…You wear beautiful clothes and pretty makeup purely for your own happiness! This type of attitude will shift your perspective. By taking a good care of yourself – you show yourself love…

2) Take a bath with rose petals wearing tiara

It’s a great way to relax and enjoy the moment. While taking a bath, think about all things you love about yourself. I guarantee that you will feel a lot more positive and happy about yourself!

3) Spoil yourself once in a while

Make sure to regularly treat yourself with something pleasant, for example, buy the most delicious cake, lighten up some candles and take a moment to enjoy it, or go to shop and, finally, buy that beautiful dress or luxurious lipstick that you’ve always wanted to get, but never thought you were worth it. You are worth it! Do things that bring pleasure, enjoyment and happiness into your life, spoil yourself once in a while!

4) Start admiring your uniqueness

There is something about you that is unique only to you! Start admiring those things that make you “you”. Do you like wearing mismatching socks? Do you love eating ice cream together with meat balls? Or, probably, you just adore adding ketchup everywhere? Well, all these little special things add up to your uniqueness! Embrace, admire and accept them, like this you will start loving yourself more…

5) Learn to accept and love your appearance

If you want somebody to love and adore you, you need to start seeing (and admiring) your own beauty too! Don’t wait till someone tells you that you’re pretty. Learn to accept and love yourself totally, love yourself just as you are. All the features that you have are absolutely unique to you: your nose shape, your hair, your freckles, your beasts’ size…Learn to fall in love with yourself and you will see the whole world fall in love with you…

6) Do what you love and follow your passion

It’s very important to find out what you love and start getting busy doing it. It doesn’t matter, if someone tells you that you can’t! Ignore those discouraging voices and start following your dream. Doing what you love will, definitely, add up to your sense of happiness, self worth and self love!

7) Music and dancing

Listening to new types of music, dancing around and enjoying it with your whole being will help increase your level of happiness and make you love and enjoy yourself even more!

8) Start wearing vibrant colors

The world already has enough of grey and dark colors to it! Wearing something bright, colorful and beautiful will add sparkle of joy into your life; it’s been proven scientifically that colors have psychological impact on our mood!

9) What other people think about you is their own business

Stop worrying about other people’s opinions…what they think is, totally, up to them! What really matters is what do you think about yourself…

10) Find some inspiration

Find inspiring stories and role models to follow. It will give you extra motivation to move toward the accomplishment of your goals and dreams, making you love yourself and believe in yourself more! Life is only what you make out of it, therefore, aim for the best, set yourself enormous goals, be bold, be daring; always remember, you are the captain of your ship!

11) Self respect

Not only self love and self acceptance are important, so is also self respect. Make sure you always totally respect yourself and never accept anything less from anyone else! The sense of self worth, self love and self respect will help you also show more respect, kindness and love toward others.

12) Give weight to your words

Make sure you keep your promises at all times, speak truthfully, say only what you really mean. Avoid talking badly of other people, even when they are not present. Use your mouth for spreading love and kindness.

