Brago Cultural Group Rocks

Brago Cultural Group has thrilled diverse audiences in the country with their own variations of traditional drumming, music and dance as well as contemporary dance pieces.

The group, which is made up of talented perfo rmers, has over the past months been making waves with their magnificent and powerful stage performances.
The group recently delighted enthusiastic crowds in Cape Coast with pieces from their large repertoire of traditional and choreographed dance pieces.
Accompanied by colourful costumes and a vast array of traditional Ghanaian instruments including giant fontonfrom drums, the dancers emptied themselves of all thoughts and simply went into their own world, a world that has been achieved through years of hard work.
A couple of contemporary pieces with a dramatic blend of traditional movements took the crowd at the event by storm as the dancers moved in circles with sequence after sequence, moving into each other with relative ease.

The group’s performance which kicked off around 7pm and early arrivals were treated to an energetic and impressive cultural display by the group which did the trick of getting the crowd in the mood for the musical treats that were ahead.

During their performances, the group delighted cultural music fans with new dances from their large repertoire of traditional and choreographed dance pieces.

Accompanied by an array of African drums, shakers, xylophones and atenteben flutes, the group endeared itself to the hearts of cultural music fans with its complex rhythms which exposed the beauty and diversity of African music and dance.

It was an evening worth remembering; an unforgettable evening of well-controlled and coordinated movement of legs, arms, heads, fingers and bottoms amidst loud and complex African drumming.

The group showcased some of Ghana’s finest traditional dance and cultural heritage at the event.