EC Extends Voters Registration Exercise


The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced an extension of the ongoing Voters Registration Exercise by additional two days.

The exercise is now expected to conclude on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, May 21, the EC had said an extension of the date for the voters registration was not feasible.

However, this declaration was greeted with several criticisms from the leading opposition party, National Democratic Congress (NDC) and other groups.

But the EC in a statement has rescinded its decision to extend the date attributing the extension to the internet disruption encountered during the first two days of the registration process.

“This arrangement has been put in place to make up for the network challenges experienced during the first two (2) days of the Registration Exercise. The Commission aims to ensure that all eligible voters who wish to register, are afforded the opportunity to do so.

“We urge all eligible citizens who are yet to register to visit the Commission’s office in the district where they reside to register to vote,” it said.

By Vincent Kubi