‘Fixing The Country’ Movement Slams Barker-Vormawor & Co

FIXING THE Country Movement, a non-partisan and non-political civic group led by its convener, Ernest Owusu-Bempah, has called on Ghanaians regardless of political party or point of view, to condemn what he termed as the irresponsible behavior of Oliver Barker –Vormawor of FixTheCountryMovement to embark on a three-day demonstration with armed private security.

He said what the group, led by Okatakyie Afrifa Mensah of XYZ Broadcasting Limited, Captain Godsbrain Smart of Onua TV as well as Benjamin Darko and Oliver Barker-Vormawor want to demonstrate is their registered weapons for their planned ‘coup d’état’ as they are forcefully demanding to be allowed to address the Nation with their grievances on GTV.

“These nation wreckers are asking the state to look on while they engage in total madness with guns on the street. In other words, they’re calling for total anarchy,” he said.

He revealed this at a press conference organized in Accra today.

He continued,” We’re also appalled by the reckless behavior of these guys and by the lack of respect shown for our institutions, constitution, and our law enforcement.”

Adding that these so-called Fix the country ‘gangsters’ are calling for accountable governance but their hearts and minds are stained with impunity.

“Oliver Barker-Vormawor is a shameful example of what is wrong in Ghana as a country, he spewed rhetoric that so many believe willingly, that has no basis. He, along with those that support him needs to be held accountable,” he said.

The convener of Fixing The Country Movement maintained that, all over the world, throughout history, the treatment against traitors to a nation has always been the same: ‘arrest swiftly, prosecute vigorously, sentence harshly’ and called on authorities to treat them the same way.

Quoting from a local adage “no matter how beautiful a coffin looks, no one at the funeral wishes for death,” Mr. Owusu- Bempa said Oliver Barker-Vormawor and company need to be told in plain words that their conduct warrants psychiatric evaluation.

“Let it be on record that the only legitimate means of changing our government is through the ballot box. The only acceptable form of governance in this 21st century is through democratic elections. It is the only way to install – and the only way to change – an administration. The days of coups and government without votes are over.

Ghana is held in the highest esteem as the first post-colonial country to gain independence and the first African country to hold multi-party elections by universal suffrage. Ghana is the first, true African democracy, “ he said.

He called on the youth to be on red alert to protect and defend the constitution and deal with any recalcitrant elements seeking to undermine our democratic gains.

FixTheCountryMovement on May 29, 2022, notified the Accra Regional Police Command of their intention to embark on a demonstration on June 4.
In their letter to the police, the group stated that they have contracted a private security company to protect their protest.

They also said the demonstrators and the private security personnel will be armed with weapons and will picket at the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) and the Ghana Police Headquarters.

The organizers of the demonstration also said that at the GBC, they would demand to speak directly to the nation on GTV and lay out their grievances.

BY Linda Tenyah-Ayettey
