Hear Kyiri Abosom, A Charlatan, Calling Dr. Bawumia A Joker!

Osofo Kyiri Abosom


If anyone had insulted Dr. Bawumia the way Osofo Kyiri Abosom did, I would have forgiven the one.  In fact, I wouldn’t have spent a single drop of ink from my fountain pen to reply the person.  The fact that unto us is come a season of insults should not give crooks like Osofo Kyiri Abosom the license to insult a fine gentleman like Dr. Bawumia. For such a confidence trickster, fake man of God, and charlatan of international repute to call Dr. Bawumia a joker and a toy, is unforgivable.

This is a man who started his church in an obscure corner and gradually lured women in particular to join the church with his sweet words. He and his boys went behind the church members to sniff issues concerning their families and used them as prophesies.  As the years rolled by, he became a self-proclaimed ‘prophet’ and unknown to his hypnotised church members, they became hooked to his fake prophesies and absurd doctrine.

Then he started dressing foppishly to portray his importance before his church members.  He gradually copied the style of Osofo Kumchacha, Apraku My Daughter and other fake ‘prophets’ to bamboozle his ignorant and unsuspecting members of his church who are mostly illiterate or semi-literate women. Only God can tell the number of women in his church who fell prey to his sexual escapades.

As he perfected in his tricks, he planned with some so-called fetish priests to pay them money in order for them to allow him to destroy their equally fake molded gods.  That was when he started calling himself Osofo Kyiri Abosom.  More people started trooping to his church, and as he grabbed more money, he introduced his fake anointing oils which he produced with Dinor cooking oil mixed with perfumes and labelled with enticing and convincing names like, ‘Back to Sender”, ‘Get Rich Quick’, ‘Destiny oil’ among others.  He sold them at high prices to make his ignorant followers believe that the oil was powerful.  As the sales increased, he introduced new so-called anointing oils that could cure any ailment including HIV/Aids.

It is common knowledge in Ghana today that the Jesus Christ Enterprise is growing day by day and the entrepreneurs who call themselves ‘men of God’ are getting richer and richer by duping their followers through many ways. In the case of Osofo Kyiri Abosom, he is a wolf in wolf’s skin unlike his counterparts who are wolfs in sheep’s skin. He impregnated his two maid servants, divorced his wedded wife and promised to marry ten of the women in his church. And he calls himself the ‘prophet of God’!

Kyiri Abosom has taken the Jesus Christ Enterprise to a higher level by entering into politics and using the monies he literally snatched from his congregants to buy cars and buses for his GUM political party.  That to me is not my problem because if you are a fool and you allow yourself to be swindled by this crook, it is your cup of tea, not mine.

But if such a trickster has decided to tarnish the image and hard-won reputation of a fellow politician like Dr. Bawumia, then he should better go for an iron clad crush helmet.  That is why the sages say “if you live in a glass house, you don’t throw stones.”  The guy has bitten more than what he can chew.  I am going to begin wearing my shining armour of confrontational discourse because of this nincompoop.

This is a man who calls himself the prophet of God but tells his followers that the Holy Bible is a useless book that contains nothing, yet he quotes the same Bible to preach to his congregation on Sunday services.  Do you think the man is normal?  Probably psychiatrists at Pantang Psychiatrist Hospital have a job to do on the guy before he kills more people in his church in the name of healing them miraculously. When he came to realise that his many anointed oils are not bought again because his followers have come to realise that the anointed oil has no efficacy, he has turned to the production of herbal medicine which, like his anointing oils, have not been certified by the Food and Drugs Authority.

The guy thinks he is smart but sadly he is not clever enough.  He came to realise that another ‘Prophet’ who calls himself ‘Prophet’ Opambuor dug a well in his house, named it Aburamu Nsuo, which he said contains supernatural powers, and sold the water to his followers at a very high cost, thereby making huge sum of money, so Kyiri Abosom also decided to use the same trick but called his water Adokro munsuo spiritual water that could heal almost every disease, including leprosy. There is no deference between Kyiri Abosom and the Kejetia pick pocket. And this is a man who wants to become the president of Ghana. Apuu!

But on a more serious note, somebody out there, particularly   members of his church, should tell him that if he thinks the turf is smooth, them he should learn how to stand on a good foot. He has a choice to make:  either he concentrates on the tricks he performs in his church or get ready to face the firing from all cylinders.  In fact he should learn how to dance Kolomashie or Kpalogo as I refill my trenchant Fountain pen with a venomous ink!

By Eric Bawah