La NPP Candidate Screens Residents


In a bid to improve the health and wellbeing of his constituents, Joseph Kwashie Addo, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate for La Dadekotopon, has organized a free medical screening exercise for residents of the constituency.

The exercise, which took place on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at two locations – Epiphany Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Kaajaano in South La Estates and Lante George Family House – saw hundreds of constituents benefiting from free medical checks and medication.

According to Isaac Odoi, First Vice Chairman of the Constituency, the initiative was necessitated by the need to prevent the spread of diseases such as typhoid, which has been on the rise in the country.

He noted that the recent Homowo Festival, which brought tourists to the constituency, posed health hazards to some residents.

The screening exercise was carried out by a team of medical professionals from Diplomatic Patriot Health Group, who tested residents for various health conditions, including typhoid, malaria, blood level, blood sugar, body mass index, and blood pressure.

In an interview, Dr. Asare Boateng, a member of the medical team, expressed his excitement at the massive turnout and good conduct exhibited by the constituents.

Residents were surprised to receive free medication after the screening, as this is not always the case with free health screenings in the constituency.

This initiative is not the first of its kind in the constituency, as the PC has held several free health screenings in other electoral areas.

The move has been hailed as a testament to the PC’s commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of his constituents.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
