Rev. Wengam Ends Upper West Visit


Rev. Stephen Wengam, General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Ghana, who doubles as Vice Chairman of Africa Assemblies of God Alliance, has been to Wa as part of his Apostolic Visit to the Upper West Region.

At the Revival Assembly of God, Rev. Wengam met serving pastors and their spouses, retired ministers and their spouses as well as widows of pastors. As his custom on such visits, the General Superintendent led a four-hour, non-stop prayer session focusing on thanksgiving, worship, repentance and rededication, intercession and spiritual warfare. He prayed for every participant and anointed them with oil.

Prayer was also offered for local churches who need land to build temples and others who are building but lack funds to complete such projects.

Rev. Wengam led married couples present to renew their marriage vows.

Subsequently, he preached a sermon titled, “The Impact of Ministerial Holiness”.

On behalf of Lady Mrs. Monica Wengam, National President of Ministers Wives Association of Assemblies of God, Ghana, Rev. Wengam presented gifts to widows of pastors and wives of retirees. Each received an undisclosed amount of cash and a piece of cloth, while retired ministers received cash.

The Upper West Regional Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Rev. Noah Issifu, thanked the General Superintendent for the visit and the gifts.

The wife of the Regional Superintendent, Mrs. Issifu presented gifts on behalf of the region to Rev. and Mrs. Wengam.


