The Right To Dream Academy Story


The Right to Dream Academy was birthed in Ghana (1999) at Nima-Mamobi by Welshman Tom Vernon.

An incredible story of humble beginnings started manifesting in the late 90s with Tom and his fiancée Sally Langley renting accommodation in the Accra suburb of New Town.

From there, the couple, who shared a common love for imparting basic education and skills to children, started to help kids in their immediate community.

Their dedication and passion was unquestionable, the impact was immediate and the demand for more was almost beyond them.

It was only a matter of time, that they registered the concept Right to Dream as a Colts football club.

A few years down the road after a number of challenges and frustrating hurdles, Tom and Sally managed to raise enough money and relocated to New Akrade near Akosombo in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

In 1999, the education arm of Right to Dream was instituted as a matter of priority by the founder, with ambitions of massive expansion.

“Right to Dream is for everyone. My dream is different from yours but it does not take away our right to dream for whatever we seek to achieve,” Mr. Vernon stated.

Tom Vernon is categoric about his vision. He insists that his model is just one possible option and not the solution to the insatiable global demand and appetite for soccer academies.

In Ghana, Vodafone were right on cue as they bought into the vision by supporting through their educational wing of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Another backer of Right to Dream at the crossroads was PHC Motors CEO Paul Peprah. His company also came onboard to oil the wheels of success they saw ahead.

Peprah is a long-standing friend and ally of the Vernon family.

The biggest leap for Right to Dream undoubtedly was the scholarship schemes and programmes that Tom Vernon secured with his American educational partners.

The likes of Majid Warris, David Accam, Kudus Mohammed, Manaf, Kamaldeen Sulemana and Ernest Nuamah are all graduates of the RtD Academy.

From Africa to Europe was the next audacious step by Tom Vernon in the acquisition of FC Nordsjælland in the Superliga of Denmark.

Located in Farum, just outside Copenhagen, the club is currently competing in the ever improving Danish Supaliga.

The latest and undoubtedly biggest so far in the Right to Dream Group of projects was commissioned on October 12, 2023 with impressive new residential academy located in Badya, West Cairo.

The sprawling complex in Egypt features beautiful cutting-edge residential and educational facilities, making it the top Football Academy in Africa and among the best in the world.

I was privileged to work with Tom Vernon as the Academy’s media officer for a couple of years, hence my connection and education with the project which has now blossomed into a global master class.

Yes indeed everyone has the right to dream.

BY Yaw Ampofo Ankrah, Right to Dream PR Officer (2011-14)