Ofosu Ampofo Returns After Medical Treatment Abroad


Several supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Thursday evening gathered at Kotoka International Airport to welcome their former National Chairman, Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo from the United States after more than a year stay.

He was met on arrival with a resounding welcome by dozens of enthusiastic supporters of the opposition NDC at Terminal 3 of the Kotoka International Airport.

The former NDC Chairman for nearly a year has been out of the country for medical treatment where he had undergone multiple back surgeries after falling sick a few months after he lost the bid for reelection to Johnson Aseidu Nketia on December 18, 2022, during the party national delegates congress in Accra.

Speaking to the party members, Mr Ofosu-Ampofo said “I have been away for nearly a year and I am happy to be back to join my comrades to rescue this country”.

He explained to have been in touch with the leadership of the party, and I think they are doing very well. I want to congratulate the leadership, from the national chairman to other executives, regional, and constituencies. They are doing a very good job,”.

“I want to commend the flagbearer, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, for the phenomenal job he is doing. I know his commitment, love, passion, and desire to lead this country away from the current government.”

“I want to thank God for bringing me back and express my gratitude to His Excellency John Dramani Mahama for the massive support he rendered to me while I was away, the Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin for his support, and several others who stood by me,” he thanked the NDC bigwigs.

Samuel Ofosu Ampofo expressed his commitment to joining the party’s campaign to ensure victory against the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the December elections.

However, he thanked Ghanaians for their unwavering support with prayer while he was away seeking medical care.

-BY Daniel Bampoe