Demo Rocks Tema Port Today Over Import Duties



Today, the usually bustling ports of Ghana will come to a standstill as freight forwarders and customs agents stage a protest against excessive cargo fees.

The demonstration, spearheaded by key industry stakeholders, seeks to expose the hidden charges imposed by shipping lines and demand a fairer deal.

The Human Cost of Exorbitant Fees

For many importers and exporters, the steep fees have become a crippling burden.

Edward Akrong, former President of the Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders (GIFF), reveals that releasing a 40-foot container now costs nearly $1000.

This expense is passed on to consumers, inflating prices and affecting livelihoods.

Legacy of Unaddressed Grievances

This protest is not a knee-jerk reaction. Stakeholders have been engaging with the Ministry of Transport for years, with five predecessors of Akrong writing letters to address the issue.
The lack of progress has led to frustration and desperation.

Industry-Wide Impact

The protest’s consequences extend beyond the shipping lines. Local businesses, traders, and consumers will feel the effects of disrupted supply chains and potential price increases.

The government’s revenue may also be impacted, as reduced trade volumes lead to lower customs revenues.

Global Trade Implications

Ghana’s ports are a critical hub for West African trade.

The protest highlights the need for transparency and fairness in international trade practices.


-BY Daniel Bampoe