Actress Flora Yayra Dentsui Eyes Nollywood

Flora Yayra Dentsui

Actress Flora Yayra Dentsui is making frantic efforts to break into Nigeria’s movie industry.

She has already gotten some deals in Nigeria after her involvement in some discussions with some movie producers and directors in Nigeria.

“I am more than happy to work in Nigeria. I watch Nigerian movies and I love them. I hope and ready to work with everybody. To compare my industry and Nigeria movie industry, I think both industries can compete,” she said in an encounter with this writer.

According to her, acting in movies beyond the shores of Ghana will give her international recognition.

Flora, who is described an impressive actress whose innocent demeanor keeps the audience intrigued and on the edge of their seats said “I’ll be excited to act in Nigeria because if you gain international recognition in addition to your national recognition, it is not only good for your career but helps you go far,” she said.

She told this writer that she had started dreaming for the Oscars and other international awards. She said this would push her to the next level.

Flora said for every actor who knew what the movie industry was about, the ultimate prize was the Oscars. She said she would be limiting herself if she did not dream that big.

By George Clifford Owusu