Asomani Proposes Bold Strategies To Presidential Aspirants


Ahead of the December 7 elections, Daniel Asomani, CEO of VODEC Africa, has emphasised the urgent need for actionable commitments from Ghana’s presidential aspirants to meet the aspirations of the nation’s youth.

Speaking at the National Emerging Leaders Economic Forum in Accra, Mr. Asomani stated that young Ghanaians are not merely seeking promises but tangible actions that will foster their success.

“We aspire for employment opportunities in a labour market that recognises our potential and provides meaningful jobs,” he asserted.

He outlined several key areas of focus for the next government, which include a robust economy that thrives on innovation and local production, creating a society where every individual has a fair chance to succeed, regardless of their background.

Also, government commitment is essential for the implementation of tax modifications and policies that nurture small and medium-sized enterprises, which are vital engines of growth.

The  development programmes encourage talented youth to remain in Ghana and contribute to its future, thus minimising brain drain and the establishment of a political landscape where young voices are not only heard but actively involved in decision-making processes.

Other strategies include the commitment to integrity and transparency in governance in the fight against corruption, shifting towards a 21st century education model that adapts to advancements in technology and business, equipping the youth with relevant skills.

He also mentioned formulation of policies that provide startups with the financial and legal frameworks the youth need to thrive, and the prioritisation of sustainability in economic planning, ensuring that environmental protection is a core focus.

Mr. Asomani emphasised the importance of minimising bureaucratic hurdles that stifle innovation, and urged for a collaborative approach to empower young people in contributing to national development.

“We stand at a critical juncture in our nation’s history; the hopes and dreams of millions rest on the shoulders of our president,” he remarked.

“As we look ahead, our expectations are clear: we demand job creation, a robust educational system, and a stable economic structure that fosters prosperity for all,” he added.

Daniel Asomani stressed the importance of abolishing outdated taxes, such as the COVID-19 tax, while reconsidering the E-Levy and emission tax.

He argued that while complete elimination may pose risks to the country’s financial health, a strategic shift towards a climate levy is essential.

“By embracing this bold shift toward a climate levy, Ghana can create a fairer tax system that empowers its youth, drives economic growth, and prioritises environmental health,” he said.

As the country prepares to elect new leaders, Mr. Asomani urged, “let us demand that they prioritise these initiatives,” adding that “we are calling for a bold vision and commitment to action from all presidential candidates, and urging them to consider these policy suggestions as they campaign for the future leadership of Ghana.”

The National Emerging Leaders Economic Forum, themed, “Leading for Sustainable Economic Growth in Multipolar World: The Role of Emerging Leaders”, witnessed speakers from various facets of life who shared their vision to the over 500 youth at the forum.

They include Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, a world renowned evangelist, representatives from the New Patriotic Party (NPP), National Democratic Congress (NDC), Movement for Change and the New Force Movement.

By Prince Fiifi Yorke 
