Christians Urged To Be Righteous

In order for Christians to win more souls for Jesus Christ, they must lead righteous lives and be well versed in the scriptures (the Holy Bible).

“We must be seen to be righteous because we cannot change others who are leading their lives anyhow if we ourselves have not changed from our sinful and repulsive attitudes.”

This observation was made by Kingsley Arhin in a short but impressive sermon he delivered to climax activities for the celebration of the Young People’s Guild (YPC) and Students’ Week, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) at the Resurrection Power Preaching Post, Afuaman, Manhean Zone of the Ga West Mission Field, Accra.

Under the theme, ‘Changing the world with the Word,’ the week-long event took members of the YPG and students through a series of activities, including prayers and motivational talks.

They took over the entire service on Sunday, March 11, 2018.

Mr Arhin noted with regret that some Christians who are supposed to preach the word to transform the lives of others do not know the Bible.

“How can you use the word to change others if you don’t know what the Bible teaches yourself?” he wondered.

He emphasised that being righteous does not mean going to church regularly; but rather knowing the word of God and abiding by it.

He, therefore, charged followers of Christ to examine their behaviours and attitudes and change where they fall short of the Christian values and principles.

While charging his fellow young people to be law-abiding and listen to the advice of their parents/guardians, he entreated parents not to show love to one or two children of theirs and despise others for that has the tendency of bringing division and hatred among them (children) and fostering indiscipline.

Mr Arhin pointed out that Christians must love one another unconditionally because with such love, a lot of changes can take place in society.

In a message to the youth, Alfred Appiah, National President of YPG, said in the midst of violence, fear, terrorism, natural disasters, forced migration and abuse of women and children, among other things, they must be empowered to effect positive changes.

“And we can find comfort and change only through the Word of God,” he noted.

The YPG boss stressed, “This calls for more evangelism in so many ways till there is a change. It calls for individual Guilders to be masters of the Word of God by constantly meditating and studying it together with prayer and fasting and sharing in fellowship with others.”

By Peter Atiemo


