Council Of State Chair Supports Police

Nana Otuo Serebuo, the Juabenhene and Council of State Chairman, cutting the tape to open the house for the police

THE CHAIRMAN of the Council of State, Nana Otuo Serebuo, who is also the Paramount Chief of Asante Juaben, has constructed an ultra-modern house to accommodate police personnel in his traditional area.

The edifice, which contains decent and spacious flats, was built by the traditional leader to help reduce the perennial accommodation problems facing policemen at Juaben.

Addressing a mammoth crowd during the grand opening of the plush-looking building, Nana Otuo Serebuo said police in the area had faced accommodation problems for some time now to the displeasure of chiefs in the area.

He stated that the Juaben Traditional Council, headed by him, therefore decided to use their resources to construct a modern building to offer decent accommodation to the policemen to make them feel at home.

He indicated that the construction of the building was the widow’s mite of the chiefs at Juaben, and it was geared towards helping the government, especially the Police Service, to operate effectively.

According to him, the building, which was presented to the Police Service on Tuesday, was the first phase, adding that plans were even in the pipeline to complete the second phase possibly by this time next year.

He stated that the Juaben Traditional Council has bigger plans of constructing a police barracks in the area in the near future, stressing that the chiefs want the police to live comfortably and deliver.

He said the government cannot develop the country alone hence he stressed the need for the public, especially the well-to-do people in society, to freely assist the government in order to accelerate the development of the country.

Nana Otuo Serebuo, who seemed very elated following the completion of the edifice, charged police personnel that would live in the house to uphold high maintenance culture so that the building would last longer.

The Ashanti Regional Police Commander, DCOP Kwasi Mensah Duku, who was present at the colourful function, commended the Juabenhene. He also presented a saloon car to help police patrol duties at Juaben and the nearby areas.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi


