Dream Foundation Supports Mamprobi School

Gyasi Appiah and the management of the school with the donated items

Dream Project Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has donated educational items to the Mamprobi South 3 Kindergarten in Accra.

Items such as 160 textbooks and writing books, as well as a flat screen TV valued at GH¢3,000 were presented to the management of the school.

President of Dream Project Foundation, Mr Gyasi Appiah, who handed over the items to the school’s management, said the vision of the organization is to see every Ghanaian child educated to the Senior High School (SHS) level at least.

He said although government is providing free compulsory education for children, parents should not forget their responsibility of meeting the educational needs of their children.

“What we have observed is that anytime government says something is free, parents do not see the need to invest in it,” he said.

Mr Gyasi said the foundation believes in the future of every Ghanaian child and was supporting the initiative of free education since government cannot do it alone.

Coordinator of Accra Metro Basic Schools, Rita Ofei Darko, who received the items, expressed optimism that every child will be able to read and write, adding that such donations would help promote the agenda.


By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri

