EU-Funded Agric Programme Impacts 100,000 Women, Youth

EU and government officials, CSOs and beneficiaries at the closeout event


Over 100,000 women and the youth have benefited from the European Union (EU) funded agricultural programme aimed at strengthening climate resilience, promoting sustainable agriculture, and creating decent jobs in Ghana.

The five-year integrated programme, Civil Society Organisations in Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development (CSO-RISE), was implemented in nine regions within 63 districts and municipalities in partnership with the government.

The programme, provided €7.3 million grants to CSOs to empower farmers in the coastal and savannah areas to build a more sustainable and prosperous future by harnessing the rich potential of the nation’s agricultural sector, covering the ginger value chain, fisheries, cashew, and beekeeping.

The grant partners – Action Aid Ghana, Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud, Centre for Local Government Advocacy, and Cerath Development Organisation in turn designed projects to unlock economic opportunities for over 160,000 beneficiaries, 70 per cent of whom were women, youth and persons living with disability in the agricultural sector.

Speaking at the closeout event in Accra, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Ghana, Massimo Mina, said the CSO-RISE Programme reflects the EU’s commitment to creating a more resilient and sustainable future for Ghana.

“It was carefully designed to contribute to inclusive growth and reduction of social inequalities through sustainable and climate-smart agricultural practices,” he said.

Mr. Mina further noted that the EU is determined to partner African governments to identify and implement innovative solutions to reduce poverty and foster decent work in rural and peri-urban areas.

He added that the agriculture and the fisheries sectors offer productive avenues to lift rural communities out of poverty in a manner that supports efforts at decelerating climate change and protecting the global ecology.

“While we close this programme today, the partnership of the EU and Ghana for climate-resilient agriculture and better incomes in rural areas will continue and grow – with additional support, which will be provided jointly by EU and its member states under the Team Europe approach”, Mr. Mina noted.


The CSOs, collaborating with key stakeholders and government agencies, implemented interventions to improve the value chain of the agriculture and fisheries sectors.

New climate-friendly ovens for fish smoking that benefits over 20,000 women fishmongers were set up in the Central, Western and Bono East regions and are transforming lives and creating improved livelihoods for families.

A ginger processing plant was also established to support small holder farmers to add value to their produce.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri