Judiciary Balancing Out Sputum (2)

John Mahama


In a democracy, nobody can take away the right to belong or make a choice, but they should remove the veil so Ghanaians may know their true identity before placing any values on their commentaries.

We have said it time and again that Mr. Mahama and his NDC constitute a danger to our democracy. For our democracy to endure and the gains to be sustained, he must be watched.

All Ghanaians must put the radar on him to ensure that he does not “sweet tongue” them to vote for him to impose ‘dumsor’ and visionless programmes on Ghanaians.

We can only protect or safeguard our democracy by the eternal vigilance of the people to expose the deliberate lies and propaganda of the NDC.

Ghanaians ask the NDC and Mr. Mahama the single policy intervention he and his party will roll out in case the people do him the honour to be in the saddle again.

We urge the people to ask him ever since he became the presumptive presidential candidate of the NDC before his election last May, what initiative has he said he will pursue to better the lives of the people beyond “balancing out” the judiciary, recruiting his party members into the security services and scrapping ex gratia, although he continues to enjoy it and will enjoy again in 2024.

He is just throwing dust into the eyes of the people with no programme to improve the well-being of the people.

Mr. Mahama has demonstrated to the people to be a visionless person who was foisted on Ghanaians because of the unfortunate demise of President Atta Mills. This is the man who speaks against corruption in the NPP government but from 2013 to 2016 supervised the payment of double salaries to some of his ministers who also today have the effrontery and temerity to call out NPP government appointees. Very sad and abominable. The NDC and for that matter Mahama presidency again is scary and must be stopped at the corridors of opposition.

Finally, let us remind Ghanaians again about Mahama’s book “My first coup d’etat” launched for him in the US by gay rights activist Andrew Solomon in which he stated among other issues that he is indecisive when it comes to taking decisions, even at the personal level, and to think twice before voting for him in 2024. Unless majority of Ghanaians do not care about their well-being and the future of their children, they can buy into NDC’s hollow rescue mission.

Let 2024 be about the issues and the future of Ghanaians, and the NDC’s horse with wobbling legs will crumble. God save Ghana from Mr. Mahama’s “balancing out” the judiciary “sputum.”