‘Justice For Major Maxwell Mahama Grinding Slowly’

Abeiku Santana

Abeiku Santana, a renowned radio presenter and tourism expert, has stated that justice for the late Major Maxwell Mahama Adams is “grinding slowly”.

The CEO of Kaya Tours made the comment on Instagram Tuesday while he remembered the late soldier, who he met not long before he was killed.

His statement echoes views by some Ghanaians that killers of the late Major should have, by now, been punished by law.

Major Maxwell was gruesomely murdered at Denkyira-Obuase by a mob. The soldier who was leading a military detachment in the area was lynched by the angry mob, who according to police reports, mistook him for an armed robber.

Major Maxwell was the captain of a 31-member military team sent to the town over illegal mining activities in the area.

He was embarking on a 20-kilometre walk when he was reportedly mistaken for an armed robber by some women from whom he had stopped to buy some snails. The women who thought he was an armed robber, after spotting his official pistol, reportedly called the assemblyman for the area to raise alarm.

The assemblyman allegedly organised some men in the town to lynch the soldier and later set his body ablaze, burning parts of his body.

Fourteen suspects are currently standing trial before an Accra High Court for allegedly murdering Major Mahama. They are facing three counts of abetment to murder, conspiracy to commit crime to wit murder and murder, contrary to Section 46 of Act 29 (1960). They have all pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Tuesday, May 29 marked exactly a year since Major Maxwell was murdered.

A number of Ghanaians shared his photos on social media to remember him.

“They took your life away from you, they killed you brutally, you endured pain before you gave up to ghost. Your death was too painful that even those who don’t know you couldn’t stand it. It’s exactly 1 year today, justice is grinding slowly. We leave everything to God. Rest In Peace Max,” Abeiku Santana said when he shared the late Major Maxwell’s photo on Tuesday.