Let’s Keep NPP In Power – Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia


VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has told the New Patriotic Party (NPP) not to lose focus about the need for the party to retain power in 2024.

According to him, the ruling political party could only sustain its splendid works for the country only when it is able to win the 2024 elections.

In this regard, Dr. Bawumia has sternly cautioned NPP members and supporters not to engage in acts that have the potential of jeopardising the peace and unity of the NPP.

The Vice President stated categorically that the upcoming NPP presidential election is a family affair so the party members should do away with insults and insinuations.

He said he is confident that the NPP, based on the positive works of the Akufo-Addo-led administration, would win the 2024 polls, stressing that the party needed total unity to ensure victory.

“This is an internal election, therefore we need clean elections. We need to protect the peace and unity that is flourishing in the party now so we can face the 2024 polls with a united front,” he stressed.

Dr. Bawumia, who is currently touring the Ashanti Region to canvass for votes, stated that unity was the main ingredient that the NPP needed to win the 2024 elections.

“This is a family contest and we should see it as such. The enemy is the NDC so we should not insult and fight among ourselves to expose our party to the NDC,” he warned.

According to the Vice President, if the NPP mistakenly wash their dirty linen in public now, the NDC would capitalise on them and use it against the party in 2024.

“We shouldn’t insult each other because after polls, we should unite to defeat the NDC once again,” Dr. Bawumia admonished his spokespersons and supporters.

The Vice President stated that the NPP can lead the country to the ‘Promised Land’, stressing, “Let’s keep the NPP in power. We need unity, unity and unity. That will help us to ‘break the eight’. My supporters and spokespersons should not insult anybody.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Bawumia’s campaign tour in the Ashanti Region has been highly successful as his campaign team have been accorded a warm welcome in the constituencies they have visited.

Also, Dr. Bawumia, who has been addressing the NPP delegates in fluent ‘Twi’ language so far, has been able to thoroughly explain his policies and plans for the NPP to the delegates.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi