Magic Fails Man; Dies From Self-Inflicted Knife Wounds

Afelete Amewuga

A 29-year-old man who believed he had spiritual protection from knife cuts died days after cutting himself with two sharp knives at Afokpa Koe at Aodzoku in the North Tongu District in the Volta Region.

Afelete Amewuga, who was a member of Korku, a group believed to have spiritually fortified its members from knife injuries, died after his magical act failed him.

He slashed himself with the sharp knives hoping it would not have any effect on him bu his mysterious act and incantations failed him as his first slash cut deep into his stomach.

Surprised at why his magic failed the first time, Amewuga tried it again with the other knife in his other hand.

This time it was worse as the knife cut deep into his stomach, bringing out his intestines to the surprise of the spectators.

Unperturbed by the development, the spectators just looked on, thinking it was part of the act until Amewuga requested to be taken to the hospital.

Disclosing the story to The Mirror newspaper, Amewuga’s wife, Happy Amewuga, said Amewuga lost consciousness but the medical doctor managed to fix the intestines back into the stomach and he regained consciousness later.

However, a few days later, he was referred to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra where he passed away.

On his deathbed, he said: “When I return to earth, I will go to church. I won’t practice this anymore.”

As part of activities to mark his funeral rites, members of the Korku group displayed all kinds of magic in full glare of the public to honour their fallen comrade.

They did what their fallen comrade failed to do as long knives entered stomachs, eyeballs were gouged out into palms and fixed back, among other magical displays.

The Mirror
