NPP Decides Jan 31 For Elections

Justin Kodua Frimpong

THE RULING New Patriotic Party (NPP) says it will decide the exact day and date to organise its primaries to elect its flagbearer for the 2024 elections on January 31, 2023.

The NPP General Secretary, Justin Kodua Frimpong, who stated this  on Kumasi-based Hello FM, mentioned that, “On January 31, 2023, the NPP Steering Committee and the National Executive Council (NEC) will meet and they would decide the dates for the two important party polls.”

Party Gurus Suggestions

According to him, some party gurus have also suggested that both the presidential and parliamentary elections of the NPP should be held simultaneously to help save cost.

Justin Kodua disclosed that those party gurus that are yearning for the two polls to be held simultaneously, also argued that it would help ensure party peace and unity.

“But the party is yet to take a concrete decision on the day and dates for the two elections. We shall know the dates on January 31, 2023,” he said.

Justin Kodua, who is currently in the Ashanti Region, the party’s stronghold, to discuss pressing party issues, said the party leadership would do what is best for the NPP.

Promises Free And Fair Polls

The NPP General Secretary stated emphatically that his administration would work to ensure that both the presidential and parliamentary polls are free and fair.

“As the General Secretary of this great party, I promise to ensure a free and fair internal poll to elect our next presidential candidate and parliamentary candidates.

“Take this from me, I will not take sides in these two crucial elections,” Justin Kodua assured and stressed that the party is poised and determined to retain power in 2024.

He said ensuring free and fair elections to elect the NPP flagbearer and parliamentary candidates, would go a long way to ensure party unity and peace, ahead of the 2024 polls.

The President Nana Akufo-Addo’s administration, he said, has done a yeoman’s job for the country since assuming power, adding that the NPP would retain power in 2024.

No Imposition Of MPs

Still hammering on party unity and how it could lead to electoral victory in 2024 for the NPP, he said the party would not allow imposition of parliamentary candidates.

“Every party member, including sitting MPs, who wants to contest for parliamentary seats on NPP tickets in 2024 should know that they will go into elections,” he declared.

He observed that the party paid dearly for it when it allowed some candidates to go unopposed in their areas in the past, saying “and we have learnt our lessons now”.

According to him, even if the entire party delegates in a certain constituency agree that a particular aspirant should go unopposed “we shall still go for popular acclamation”.

“The party leadership would make the parliamentary forms open and transparent for every qualified party member to contest for a parliamentary seat,” the NPP Scribe assured.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi




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