Owusu Bempah Changes Style In 2022 Prophesies Over Police Arrest

The Directive by the Ghana Police Service against doom prophesies which some Pastors on 31st December Night usually give to cause fear and panic has this time around silenced them from prophesying.

After the Police statement cautioning the Pastors from predicting dooms during their All Night services, some of the Pastors including Nigel Gaisie and Salifu Amoako bashed the Police by questioning them on the locus they have to restrain them on what to say.

Leader of the Glorious Word Power Ministries International, Isaac Owusu-Bempah, on 31st December as expected this time begged his congregation to accept a proverbial edition of prophesies during the 2021 Watch Night and Cross Over event at the church headquarters in Accra.

While admitting that this year’s session may not have been enjoyable as previous years due to the manner of prophesies, he tasked them to accept it as such and pray about the issues to the best of their abilities.

He said to his members that “God bless you for waiting. In due time, God will allow us to speak clearly on issues. Today is for wise and proverbial sayings, so let’s take it like that”.

According to him, “As a man of God and as revealed to me by God, I have to do my master’s bidding. All I told you proverbially pray about it as you understand it, and let’s pray for divine intervention,”.

He also reacted publicly for the first time to a Ghana Police Service directive of December 27, 2021, concerning New Year prophesies that tended to create fear and panic.

Rev. Owusu Bempah points out clearly that, there is nowhere that prophesies have triggered an economic crisis advocating that persons who do not believe in prophesies were better off staying away from the contents of same.

He rather listed a proverbial prophesy delivered during the well-attended service that ended in the wee hours of January 1, 2022.

Below is his proverbial prophesies:

Prayer for Parliament

Owusu Bempah requested prayers for MPs because two persons holding candlesticks clashed causing their flames to be extinguished. “We need to remember Parliament in prayers, we will remember them in prayers,” he stated.

Without giving specifics or mentioning in which region, the prophet said two tribes with serious disagreements were revealed to him and the spat became a public issue and military intervention was required.” The offshoot was not palatable so we need to pray about it,” he added.

God is only giving prayer points via prophesy

Prayers for Asanteman

“I saw darkness over Asanteman, I will pray that God intervenes,” he added.
Prayer for people living along the coast
“We will pray for people living along the coast. I saw a man who was in the shape of water and he had walked to places inhabited by people. When he was going back, he went along with some people from the living world.
“We will pray water does not invade people’s homes,” he added.

A religious leader who traveled and never returned

“I saw a religious leader traveling when he went he delayed for so long and I saw nothing more about him. Prayers must go on,” he stated.

A big musician to get into trouble
Owusu Bempah announced that big musicians must be remembered especially the very prominent and popular ones.

“I saw a popular musician who is well respected and largely followed, lose his hair and I saw his bare head. He lost all his hair. We will pray for prominent musicians,” he added.

Combative Kangaroos in security uniforms

“I also saw a kangaroo wearing military attire and another in police attire fighting and all trees around were in commotion. Trees were trying to intervene but it was impossible, even after a leader tried to intervene and it came down a bit.

(Let us pray) if not, Kangaroo in military and police attire will clash
Sleigh drawn by horses and donkeys crashes.

Owusu Bempah said he saw a sleigh with horses in lead. The eyes of the horse’s light like car headlights. “I saw donkeys, horses, and sleighs going at speed. The street before them rose and they entered a ditch. What emerged was bad.”

Encounter with silent destructive darkness

“I saw darkness walking and I asked where it was going and it discarded me. It refused to answer me, ‘darkness stop, what are you doing,’ it refused to respond.

“I saw darkness go and stand at a big house and cover it with its hands, whiles rising, I heard shouts and screams in the house all subsequent questions, it refused and left the land of the living. I didn’t see it again.”

In his closing remarks, he stated: “2022, if you walk well with God, you will be blessed. There will be marriage, which means the end time is almost here. The Bible says women will be given in marriage. Take good care of yourselves.”

– BY Daniel Bampoe