Spirit ‘Orders’ Curfew In Begoro

Mr Charles Oware-Tweneboah

Residents of Begoro in the Fanteakwa North District of the Eastern Region are being forced to go to bed before 2200 hours for the past two weeks due to the scare of a strange spirit.

The strange spirit, according to some local residents, operated from 2200 hours to 0100 hours.

Some residents who spoke on condition of anonymity said the spirit was responsible for the mysterious death of a lady who was found dead early Sunday morning in the Nsobin water reservoir and another man a few days later in the Begoro town.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency, the District Chief Executive for the Fanteakwa North District Assembly, Mr Charles Oware-Tweneboah, said he was informed about the issue a few days ago and he informed the district police commander to inform his men to be on guard.

Mr Oware-Tweneboah further added that the spirit scare was really disturbing people in the district and totally affecting business activities at night as residents go to sleep by 20:00 hours.

Ms Felicia Adonya, a hairdresser in Begoro, told the GNA that the spirit scare had affected her business because she had to close earlier than her usual time to reach home before 1900 hours each night.

According to her, the spirit operated mostly at places where there were no street lights. She therefore called on the district assembly to help replace all faulty street light bulbs in the Begoro town.


