Stakeholders Discuss Cement Pricing LI

Emmanuel Cherry


The Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry (GhCCI) yesterday engaged stakeholders in the construction and built environment to discuss the growth of the industry and how the Legislative Instrument (LI) laid before parliament on cement pricing would affect their operations.

The stakeholders include representatives from the Chamber of Cement Manufacturers, Association of Building Contractors, Architect Registration Council, Ghana Institution of Surveyors and SIMAF Group.

Others are representatives from Progressive Road Contractors Association, Diamond Cement, AB and David Associate, 48 Engineers Regiment, Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), and several others in the construction space.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, K. T Hammond, recently laid before Parliament a LI to regulate the operations of cement manufacturers  as a result of consistent increased in the prices of cement products.

The LI also seeks to among others order full disclosure on pricing and the regulation of the entire industry as well as enforce applicable standards and guidelines in setting up of cement manufacturing firms.

Chief Executive of the Chamber of Construction Industry (GhCII), Emmanuel Cherry, in an interview with journalists said the proponents of the new LI failed to carefully consider the issues in the sector particularly on cement price build-up though they may have good intentions.

According to him, none of the members of the chamber  was  consulted on  the new LI  laid  before parliament.

He said members of the Chamber were ready to engage all stakeholders including the sector ministry, Ghana Standards Authority and the Parliamentary Select Committee on their grievances though an LI has already been laid without any policy backing it.

Chief Executive of  the Cement Manufacturers Association, George Dawson Amoah, described the process as unconstitutional  as it is  not hinged on any parent Acts but on existing acts of the  Ghana Standards Authority which deals with sales and advertising .

He said though his outfit has held several meetings with the sector Minister and other stakeholders, discussions on cement pricing has never been a major agenda.


By Ebenezer K. Amponsah