Suhum Marks Odwira

The Chief of Suhum

There was merry-making in all the principal streets of Suhum last Saturday during the celebration of Odwira festival by the chiefs and people of the area.

This year’s Odwira festival electrified the town, as residents-both home and abroad- took part in a display of rich culture.

The Paramount Chief of the Suhum Traditional Area, Osabarima Ayeh Kofi I, upon entering to the durbar grounds, was mobbed by the people, who wanted to catch a glimpse of him.

The security personnel had a hectic time in maintaining law and order and protecting the chief who waved to the crowd.

Addressing the gathering at the durbar, Osaberima Ayeh Kofi I called on the youth to desist from violent acts which could tarnish the image of Suhum.

He also appealed to the political parties and the youth to ensure peacefully elections in December.

The paramount chief further called on residents- both home and abroad- to unite to effectively develop the area and help construct a befitting palace.

The chief of Suhum stated that Suhum is a strategic town due to its geographical location and called on the residents of the area to position themselves to exploit the opportunities to enhance their lives.

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Suhum Constituency, Fredrick Opare-Ansah and the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the area, Margaret Ansei, aka Magoo, who are all contesting in the upcoming 2016 general polls, pledged to encourage their supporters to ensure peace before, during and after the forthcoming general elections.

Former Trades Union Congress (TUC) boss, Kofi Asamoah, Samuel Kwabi, former Suhum MCE, among others, were in attendance.

From Daniel Bampoe, Suhum
