The Reign Of Alban Bagbin As Speaker Of Parliament: A Controversial Tenure With A Touch Of Humour!


Alban Bagbin’s rise to the speakership of Asomdwekrom’s Parliament could easily be the plot of a political sitcom. Elected in January 2021, Bagbin’s tenure has been characterised by confusion, contention, and a dash of theatrical drama. From his bewildering election to fiery clashes with party members, his time as Speaker has been a rollercoaster ride that often leaves onlookers wondering whether they should laugh or cry.


The confusion that led to Bagbin’s election could have inspired a reality show titled “Survivor: Parliament Edition.” The 2020 elections resulted in a hung Parliament, with the Umbrella and the Elephant each securing 137 seats. It was a tightrope walk worthy of a circus act. In this chaotic scenario, the Speaker’s role transformed from a ceremonial position into something akin to a referee in a never-ending wrestling match. With nerves as tense as a stretched rubber band, Bagbin found himself elected thanks to a coalition of Zu-za members and two rebellious Osono members who clearly thought, “Well, this could either be a historic moment or a spectacular blunder!” (Those two certainly had their party’s loyalty in a headlock!)


The atmosphere was so thick with tension that it could be sliced with a knife, reminding us of the Asomdwekromanian proverb, “A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an ant hill is still on the ground.” Indeed, Bagbin may have landed on an ant hill, but he quickly discovered that some ants bite!


The internal strife within the Umbrella family hit a boiling point when Hon. Muntaka Mohammed Mubarak, the Minority Chief Whip, dropped the bombshell that Bagbin was acting like a “dictator.” This remark came after a series of parliamentary proceedings where Bagbin was accused of not favouring his party, leading to heated exchanges that could rival a reality show reunion.


In response to Muntaka’s jab, Bagbin took on the role of the defiant leader, insisting that order must be maintained. Unfortunately, his strict adherence to parliamentary procedures often left many to wonder if he was leading a kindergarten class. The fallout from this disagreement serves as a reminder that, “When the cow is in the pen, the farmer can’t sleep,” meaning that if you are not vigilant, the situation can spiral out of control and it might not end well for you!


Bagbin’s reign became a magnet for accusations of bias towards the Umbrella, much to the dismay of the Elephant His handling of debates and bills often sparked comparisons to a referee favoring one team. It felt like watching a football match where the referee was wearing the jersey of one side. Asomdwekromanian politics can be a competitive sport, and Bagbin’s perceived favoritism led to a standoff that felt like a tense chess match.


Critics pointed out that when the political elephants fight, “it is the grass that suffers,” leaving the ordinary Asomdwekromanian wondering if they would ever get a fair deal in this political tussle. Instead of a legislative body, it sometimes felt like a reality show called “Who Can Yell the Loudest?”

The highlight of Bagbin’s tenure came when he declared four seats vacant, allowing his party to assume the majority. This bold move left many bills hanging like laundry on a rainy day and sparked widespread backlash. Some members felt as if they had been left on a sinking ship without a lifeboat. Compounding the chaos, the House has now been adjourned sine die, further stalling important legislative work. It was a classic case of mismanagement that many interpreted as a failure of leadership, highlighting the lengths to which political maneuvering can go in the pursuit of power.


His approach to parliamentary procedures is like trying to cook jollof rice without a recipe. It is confusing, frustrating, and leaves many to wonder how he always ends up with a pot full of unseasoned rice. As the saying goes, Indeed, Bagbin’s inability to navigate the stormy seas of parliamentary affairs has left many questioning his capability to steer the ship.


As Bagbin’s tenure drags on, he faces challenges that make climbing Mount Everest seem like a walk in the park. The rift between the Umbrella and the Elephant continues to widen, and perceptions of bias threaten to overshadow any potential achievements. For many Asomdwekromanians, the burning question is whether a speaker perceived as partisan can effectively play referee in this political game of tug-of-war.


The answer may lie in Bagbin’s ability to heed the wisdom of the proverb, “Even the best cooking pot will not produce food.” Collaboration and dialogue are key ingredients for any effective governance stew. For Parliament to function effectively, Bagbin must rise above the squabbles and prove that he can be a unifying figure, not just a headline-grabbing politician.


Alban Bagbin’s reign as Speaker of Parliament stands as a testament to the chaos and humour that can characterise Asomdwekromanian politics. From confusing elections to fiery disputes and procedural missteps, his journey has been anything but dull. As he navigates these turbulent waters, the hope remains that he can rewrite the narrative of his leadership from one of division to one of unity.


In a country where political stability is essential for progress, Bagbin’s actions in the coming weeks will be crucial. Will he embrace the role of a true leader who prioritizes the collective good over party politics? Only time will tell. Perhaps Bagbin will find that laughter and dialogue, rather than drama and discord, will lead to a brighter future for Asomdwekrom’s Parliament – and who knows, maybe even a concert party!


See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!