Two Men Remanded Or Defrauding A Bank

A Kumasi circuit court has remanded two men for forging ID cards to defraud Dalex bank in Kumasi to the tune of GHC 27,600.00.

The accused- Charlotter Bonaldi, 26, unemployed and Dominic Kusi Atta, aged 24, former worker of Dalex finance, pleaded not guilty to their charges of conspiracy, defrauding by false pretence, forgery of official document and possession of forged documents and were remanded accordingly.

The fact of the case revealed to the court presided over by Her Honor Mary Nsenkyire is that, on the month of August, Dominic Kusi Atta, who is a former employer of Dalex bank and one Francis, who is now at large, tasked Charlotter Bonaldi to produce fake Voters ID cards of  Doris Agarkwa and Adlie Beture, both are depositers of Dalex Finance.

Prosecution added that, Dominic Atta Kusi and Francis used the fake ID Cards of Adline Beture, Doris Agarkwa and others to successfully secure a loan totaling Gh 27,600.00 from Dalex Bank Finance.

Prosecution, however, goes on to add that in the month of September 2016, one Kwadwo Charles, who is also at large tasked Charlotte Bonaldi to produce fake Voters ID cards of Abigail Afreh and he used the fake Voters ID card to secure a loan sum of GHC 60,000 and instructed the said sum to be deposited in an ADB account in Bekwai.

On 20th September 2016, Charlotter proceeded to withdraw the loan of GHC 60,000 from ADB Bekwai and upon a tip of from Dalex Finance, he got arrested.

Prosecution added that a search conducted in the room of Charlotter Bonaldi led to the discovery of fake ID cards including that of Abigail Affreh but he denied knowledge of the loan sum of GHC 27,600.00 they fraudulently secured in the name of Doris Agarkwa.

The court ruled that they should be held in police custody to reappear on April 25.

