Undergee Melody: On To The Next!

UnderGee has been really busy lately. He’s been in the game for a bit now, and has successfully managed to rebrand and re-invent himself, which is something that is very hard for any artiste to do. Since his days of making music with legendary group R2Bees, UnderGee has demonstrated how talented he is, and the fact that he knows how to make good music. He’s just dropped a new single, and it looks like he’s just getting started. I caught up with him to find out more.

How did you begin your career as a recording artiste?

UnderGee: I began my career as a recording artiste by writing my own songs, going to studios to record, performing at street rap shows and radio shows like Kasahari. These were big platforms that gave me the inspiration I needed to push my career forward and explore the passion I had for the rap music genre. Once I started, there was no turning back.

How would you describe your type of music?

UnderGee: My type of music is a combination of different styles. I do Azonto mixed with Afrobeats and hip-hop. I like to be as versatile as I can in my music. The trends are always changing, and music in Ghana is constantly evolving. You have to stay on point and keep it fresh all the time. I don’t follow trends, I set trends. That’s been my mantra from day one. I continue to do so with every single I drop.

What do you normally talk about in your music?

UnderGee: Normally, I talk about everyday life experiences and social issues. I also like to motivate people in my music. I want to inspire people to do better and be better at anything they do. I encourage people to believe in themselves and also dancing their problems away, regardless. Dancing is really good medicine for the soul. Sometimes, you just need to let loose and let go. If my music can help you do that, then I’ve done my job.

What are some of the challenges you have faced in your career?

UnderGee: Some of the challenges I have faced in my career have to do with the music industry in general, because we don’t have a well- structured music industry here in GH. It’s sometimes hard for a recording artiste to get a good airplay if you don’t have enough money to pay for promotion. Even when your song is good, you need enough money to promote it. It’s quite sad because this is destroying creativity. It’s all about whom you know and who you rub shoulders with. It can be very frustrating. All one can do is continue to hustle and grind, and pushing forward, without getting discouraged.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

UnderGee: I get my inspiration from God and from what I see around me. It’s all about what I go through in life. I try to incorporate that in my music. My music is a true story taken from real life experiences. I think that’s how music needs to be. You have to keep it real, otherwise what’s the point?

What are you working on at the moment?

UnderGee: I currently have my new single titled ‘Putu’ out and airing on 4syte TV, Metro TV, Viasat1 and most of the major TV stations.  I am also working on a couple of new songs and videos that I’m going to release soon after this one. It’s a tasking job though. Promo is a lot of work, but that is what it’s all about. That’s what I signed up for. The problem for any artiste is when he is not busy, so I can’t complain. (laughs)

 What do you hope to achieve through your career?

UnderGee: I hope my music will be able to travel around the world. I want to be nominated for awards and be internationally recognised .That’s basically the dream of most artistes. I also hope to achieve great things through my career that will help our next generation in a positive way. It’s all about making an impact and being remembered even after I’m gone. My music should live forever.

What does the future hold for you?

UnderGee: I believe the future holds a lot for me because my Azonto/Afrobeats kind of music is the new style of music movement which is going to take Ghana far. Not just Ghana my mother land, but Africa as a whole. The future is UnderGee Melody!!

What advice would you give upcoming artistes reading this?

UnderGee: I will advise upcoming artistes to take their music career or whatever art they do serious and believe in themselves. They must also pray because prayer is the key to life, know thy God regardless. Put God first in everything you do and you won’t be disappointed.

 A message to your fans?

UnderGee: First of all, I will like to send a shout to all my real fans out there and also thank them for supporting me in my career all these years. God bless you all, and keep supporting your boy #UndergeeMelody.  Also, to all my fans who don’t know where to get me online, you can find me on Facebook @Undergeemelody_r2bees and on Twitter as @UndergeeMelody!! Link up soon!! Peace and love to you all !!