Upper East Sports Festival Planners Cry For Cash

Committee members at the press conference

The local planning committee for the 31st edition of the Second Cycle Inter-Regional Sports Festival to be held in the Bolgatanga Municipality in Upper East Region is worried, as the committee’s work is seriously being obstructed by logistical and financial constraints.

In less than two weeks from now, the sport festival would start, yet the local planning committee has not received the needed financial and logistical support from individual and organisations it has approached.

The sports festival is organised by the Ghana Education Service (GES) for second cycle schools across the country, and over the years, the event has been held in different regions. The last time the Upper East Region held the event was 20 years ago.

A total of 2,500 students made up of boys and girls drawn from the existing 10 regions would converge at Bolgatanga to compete from September 11 to September 22.

They would compete in disciplines such as soccer, handball, volleyball, table tennis, athletics and netball. There will be hockey, basketball and badminton.

During a press conference held over the weekend, the Upper East Federation Chairman, Ababu Afelibeik, disclosed that the local planning committee was still struggling to mobilise resources in the Upper East Region despite efforts being made.

“We have a fundraising committee; we sent letters out to solicit for funds to enable the region to prepare our athletes and also prepare to host the rest of the regions. It’s sad to say that since the committee went out with letters up till date, we have not been able to mobilise any meaningful resource to even take care of the Upper East Region’s contingents who have been in camp since the 13th of July,” Afelibeik lamented.

FROM Ebo Bruce-Quansah, Bolgatanga