Why Men Should Be Feminists: A Call For Equality And Humanity


Imagine a world where boys and girls grow up without the burden of gender expectations. Picture a young boy freely expressing his emotions without being told to “man up,” and a girl confidently pursuing her ambitions without being labeled “bossy.”

This vision isn’t just a fantasy; it’s the promise of feminism, a movement which men should wholeheartedly embrace for a better future for all.

In recent years, the feminist movement has gained significant momentum, challenging gender inequalities. However, feminism is often misconstrued as a movement exclusively for women, which is far from the truth.

Feminism is about equality, justice, and fairness for all genders. Men, in particular, have a crucial role to play in this journey toward a more equitable society. Here’s why men should embrace feminism and actively participate in the movement.

Feminism breaks gender stereotypes and redefines masculinity. Traditional notions of masculinity often impose restrictive stereotypes on men, dictating how they should behave, express emotions, and interact with others.

These stereotypes suggest that expressing emotions or seeking help is a sign of weakness, and that showing kindness and empathy is unmanly. These harmful stereotypes can lead to suppressed emotions and mental health issues. By embracing feminist ideals, men can challenge these damaging stereotypes and redefine what it means to be a man.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, men died by suicide 3.85 times more often than women in 2022.

Research published in Comprehensive Psychiatry indicates that men often avoid seeking help due to societal expectations that they should be independent and decisive.

In contrast, women value interdependence and readily seek and accept help. These gender stereotypes contribute to higher suicide rates among men. By embracing feminism, men can reject these harmful stereotypes and lead more emotionally fulfilling lives.

Feminism strengthens personal relationships. Feminist principles promote equality and respect in personal relationships. Men who embrace feminism are more likely to engage in equitable partnerships, where both partners share responsibilities and support each other’s goals and aspirations. This mutual respect and support lead to stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Envision a household where chores and childcare are shared equally. Maria and Tom, a couple in their thirties, both work full-time jobs. Instead of Maria bearing the brunt of domestic duties, Tom actively participates in cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their children. Their relationship thrives on mutual respect and cooperation, creating a harmonious and supportive environment.

This balance not only strengthens their bond but also sets a powerful example for their children. Their son learns that it’s normal for men to cook and nurture, while their daughter grows up seeing that her career aspirations are just as important as her brother’s. By embracing feminist principles, Tom and Maria are building a future where equality at home becomes the norm.

Feminism redefines power dynamics. Embracing feminism can redefine power dynamics in a positive way. Feminism promotes the idea that power can be shared and multiplied through collaboration and mutual respect.

Imagine a political landscape where men and women work together to craft policies that benefit all citizens. Such a partnership can lead to more comprehensive and inclusive governance.

In Rwanda, gender equality policies have led to women holding an average of 60% of parliamentary seats. This collaboration between male and female legislators has resulted in progressive policies on education, health, and economic development, benefiting the entire population.

In conclusion, the call for men to embrace feminism is a call for a better world for everyone. By supporting feminism, men can break gender stereotypes, redefine masculinity, strengthen personal relationships, and redefine power dynamics in a positive way.

The journey toward feminism is not just a women’s issue; it is a collective endeavor that requires the active participation and support of men.

Through everyday actions, men can support women and make significant strides toward achieving a balanced, equitable, and prosperous world for all.


By Nafisa Ibrahim

The writer is a student of UNIMAC-IJ, Faculty of Journalism and Media Studies
