I’m The Most Impactful VEEP – Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia


Presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has called on the people of Ashanti to vote for him in the December polls.

Dr Bawumia said he has been touted as the best Vice President that the country has produced, thus per the analysis, he should be promoted to be the President.

According to him if someone passes with distinction in his class, the person is given a promotion, so it is time for Ghanaians to promote him to be to President.

“There are reports that Dr. Bawumia is the best Vice President in terms of delivery and performance, and if you say I have passed as Vice President then promote me to President,” he noted.

Vice President Dr. Bawumia, who sounded very confident about his delivery in political office for the last seven and half years, stated that he had gone through the mill so he was ready to be President.


No Tax On Churches

Addressing pastors in Kumasi as part of his three-day campaign tour of the Ashanti Region, he said churches would not be taxed if he becomes President.

“There will be no taxes on churches when I’m elected as the President of Ghana,” the NPP presidential candidate boldly announced at Asokwa in Kumasi yesterday, attracting applause.

According to him, the church has been playing very significant roles in helping to positively shape lives of the people and also transform the country so they should not be over burdened.

The NPP presidential candidate, without mincing words, stated that the church is the number one development partner of government so they should be supported at all times to deliver.

He recounted that the support the country has benefited and continues to benefit from churches far outweigh the benefits that the state gets from its external development partners.

Buttressing his claim, Dr. Bawumia indicated that the number of schools, hospitals and other important projects that churches have carried out in the country is incomparable.

In this regard, he said his administration would grant tax exemption for churches so that they (churches) would feel motivated and energised to sustain their good works for the country.


Disapproval of LGBTQ+

Dr. Bawumia, once again, kicked against the LGBTQ+, saying that the controversial issue, which has become a subject of debate, would not be accepted in the country with him as president.

“We will not accept LGBTQ+ because it’s against our religious and traditional beliefs. We will stand firm no matter the consequences. It’s no, no, for LGBTQ,” Dr. Bawumia indicated.

The NPP presidential candidate also said churches should be reached out to, to help in the management of schools to help restore discipline, saying that indiscipline in schools is on the rise.


One Million Jobs Coming

Dr. Bawumia has concrete plans to train one million youth in digital skills to enable them become gainfully employed, and to contribute to the development of the country.

“One million youth would be trained in digital skills under my presidency. They can work from any village or any part of the world either in Europe or America,” the NPP presidential candidate said.

He also said the whole world, including Ghana, is now heading to a digital economy, “and I’m the best person to lead our country into the digital area, so cast your ballots for me to be president.”


Corruption Fight

He also said his administration would enact policies and programmes that would make corruption unattractive for the citizenry, saying that lovers of corruption would flee under his presidency.

Dr. Bawumia said unlike his opponent, former President John Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), who is seeking to be President for just four years, he (Bawumia) wants to be President for eight years.

In this regard, he said, “I will be accountable to you as president because my records in the first term would be used to measure me when I come to you again for renewal of my mandate.

“My opponent is seeking just four years so he would not come to you for renewal of mandate. Because of that if you mistakenly vote for him, he would go on a honeymoon and you will not see him again”.


Private sector

Dr. Bawumia affirmed his administration would make life comfortable for the private sector and help them to thrive, saying that the private sector would be given the needed support to flourish.


FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi