3 Crushed To Death At Bundasi

Three passengers died on the spot while several others sustained various degrees of injury when a Toyota mini bus collided with a Kia truck on the Tema-Aflao Highway, near Bundase in the Greater Accra Region.

The bodies of the woman and two men have since been deposited at the morgue of the Tema General Hospital pending autopsy.

Meanwhile, the injured passengers are receiving treatment at the aforementioned hospital and a nearby clinic at Sege in the Ada West of the Greater Accra Region.

Confirming the incident, Superintendent Mohammed Issah Katoona, Commander of the Prampram District Police, explained that the incident occurred at about 6:30pm on Wednesday.

He stressed that Toyota bus with registration number GT 4315-17 with passengers, mostly traders from the Kasseh Market in Ada onboard was travelling from the Tema direction towards Aflao while the Kia Truck was using opposite direction.

The accident, according to the police chief, happened when the driver of the bus attempted to overtake another vehicle, adding that he veered into the lane of the Kia Truck, resulting in the fatal accident.

According to him, the driver of the bus and his conductor suffered injuries in the legs while the Kia Truck driver also sustained injury on the forehead.

From Vincent Kubi, Bundasi





